Garden. Page 3

Master classes:

How to make a trap to effectively combat ants in garden beds

To combat ants in the house, in summer cottages or in the garden, you can use a special preparation containing ordinary borax as an active ingredient. The price of one package is about 350 rubles. For our case it is much more profitable

A modern method will allow you to forget about weeds in the garden for the whole season.

Getting rid of weeds completely and growing a large harvest is the dream of any owner who works with the land. But I don’t really want to use herbicides that are considered toxic. And the option with manual weeding is completely unsuitable for those who have

Remaking a trimmer to control weeds

Weed control in the garden takes up the lion's share of gardeners' time. The job is tedious and difficult. But necessary. What if we mechanize it? The implementation of the idea will require not only the availability of special metalworking and welding equipment, but also

We get rid of mosquitoes and midges on the site quickly and free of charge

Mosquitoes and midges on the site can upset even the calmest person.They get rid of them using chemicals, mechanical means, and buy a variety of repellent devices. But one of the most accessible ways is

How to cheaply make tiles for paths that are not inferior to store-bought ones

Stores offer a huge range of tiles for garden paths. Various sizes, colors and relief patterns. You can buy not ready-made tiles, but molds for making them. They are also presented in shopping centers in all their diversity. A

How to make a stone garden platform without any hassle

The dacha plot, in the design of which natural stone is used, looks stylish. Boulders can decorate flower beds and alpine slides, slate is used to decorate facades, and cobblestones can be used to lay out paths and recreation areas. Is it true

How to make a turbo oven with adjustable flame and one-time loading

An old household gas cylinder that is not fit for purpose can serve as the basis for creating a compact, efficient and economical wood stove. Moreover, this does not require theoretical knowledge, professional

How to make a drill from a bicycle sprocket. Manual or mechanized

Such an earth-moving tool in a store costs a lot of money, and it does not always meet the requirements for strength, ease of use and performance characteristics. But you can make an earth drill with your own hands from scrap materials.

How to quickly get rid of grass at the joints of slabs on paths

Paths in the garden or country house, lined with decorative tiles, look impressive and aesthetically pleasing. If not for one BUT. Weeds grow in the joints of the tiles. The appearance of paved paths and areas with sprouted weeds immediately loses its attractiveness. Like with

Incredibly useful and budget idea for the garden: a wonderful bench made from old tires

Many car enthusiasts have several unnecessary tires that have nowhere to use. You can make a simple but convenient bench from them. To do this, you need to prepare tires, a wooden beam, a drill, a grinder and bolts.

How to make a cheap and durable base for a gazebo or terrace

At first glance, it seems that only at least two experienced carpenters can cope with such labor-intensive and complex work as the construction of elements of a wooden house. But having the necessary materials and tools at hand, and showing

DIY Scandinavian style terrace

Most owners of country houses or summer cottages prefer to hire workers to furnish their home space. But, if you have free time and construction skills, you can build a terrace for entertaining yourself.

An easy-to-replicate design of a “long-lasting” auto-feeder and auto-drinker for poultry

The design of this automatic feeder and automatic drinker is very easy and can be repeated, due to the fact that materials available to everyone are used. Agree, it’s not possible to find a plastic bucket on the farm, say for whitewash, and a 5-liter PET bottle

How to make a budget watering container for 1-1.5 cubic meters with a tap

As you know, it is advisable to water cultivated plants with heated water, because from cold they grow poorly, get sick, etc. Also, at the dacha, water is often released according to a schedule and in the absence of a stationary metal container, there is nothing to collect it into.

How to make a barbecue grill from a barrel. New idea

A factory grill is expensive. And I really want to treat my loved ones to barbecue, seafood, mushrooms and grilled vegetables. And this is possible if you have a 200 liter metal barrel and some auxiliary materials. Moreover, it’s enough

How to prepare fertilizer for seedlings before planting, which will immediately give strength and growth

A week before transplanting, it is advisable to strengthen tomato seedlings. Conventional baker's yeast helps to increase the “phytoimmunity” of plants and facilitate the process of transshipment, during which the root system is most often injured. A solution that costs pennies

How to make a convenient and attractive garden sink from a metal barrel

In a farmstead or at a summer cottage, after some work, you need to wash your hands. Using a hose for this is not very convenient. It is much better to make an outdoor sink using an old 200 liter metal barrel. Coping with this kind of work

How to make a stove for a cauldron from a gas cylinder

Buying a simple factory stove will cost a tidy sum. Since its design is standard, it is often not entirely convenient in some specific circumstances. You can save a lot of money and take into account local peculiarities if you make such a stove

Why do experienced gardeners bury kitchen waste?

After cooking, many housewives have food left in the kitchen: egg shells, vegetable peelings, stale bread. You can simply throw them away, but it is better to use them to fertilize the soil in the garden. Natural fertilizer easily decomposes and nourishes

2 in 1 oven from an old gas cylinder with oven and stove for cooking

Residents of private houses and summer residents often cook in the summer on an outdoor wood-burning stove, which allows them to recycle branches from garden pruning. It is convenient to cook jam and other winter preparations. If you don't already have a stove like this, then make one from

No site needed. How to grow strawberries in PET bottles

If you do not have a free plot of land to plant a strawberry plantation, you can grow it in pots. To do this, you just need to find a well-lit place, even a balcony will do. Modern remontant strawberry varieties grow well in

5 advantages of sowing carrots in paste will help you forget about the dry method

Every gardener knows about the labor-intensive process of thinning carrot seedlings. Sowing seeds using paste or thin jelly helps to reduce this work to a minimum. The method is simple: dry or swollen seeds are poured into a cooled paste,

How to make and use a convenient and effective potato planter from metal waste

Traditional planting of potatoes using a classic bayonet shovel is characterized by low productivity, high physical effort and uneven depth of embedding tubers into the ground. If you make enough from leftover metal

A simple way to prevent seedlings from being pulled

In the process of cultivating any culture, various problems occur.One of them is pulling out seedlings. Seedlings can stretch immediately after the first sprout appears from the ground. What to do to prevent this from happening? There is a very simple way.