We get rid of mosquitoes and midges on the site quickly and free of charge

Mosquitoes and midges on the site can upset even the calmest person. They get rid of them using chemicals, mechanical means, and buy a variety of repellent devices. But one of the most accessible ways is to create traps that lure and destroy insects.

We would like to offer you a very simple option that anyone can do. With this trap you can get rid of harmful insects in your area for a long time.

We will need:

  • plastic bottles 1.5 liters – 3 pcs.;
  • plastic bottle 5 liters – 1 pc.
  • superglue, Moment glue or heat gun;
  • stationery knife, scissors;
  • water – 200-250 ml;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast – 1 tsp.

And of course, very little time for production.

Making a trap

Remove labels from bottles. Cut off the necks of two 1.5 liter bottles. The height of the resulting funnel should be approximately 10-15 cm. Remove the lids.

On a large bottle we mark places for two holes where funnels will be inserted. One place is closer to the top, the second is on the opposite side, closer to the middle.The marked circle should correspond to the diameter of the neck of the smaller bottle. We cut holes and insert funnels into them. We secure the structure with superglue or a heat gun.

Making bait

To attract insects into the trap, you need to make an effective bait. Mosquitoes are known to be attracted to carbon dioxide. That is why insects more often bite those people who move rather than sit still. The carbon dioxide and heat released by the body cause the pests to fly closer to their prey.

Pour 200-250 ml into the remaining bottle. water and add 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar (heaped) and a teaspoon of dry yeast. Close the bottle and shake everything well until the sugar dissolves. When combined with dry yeast, you should get a liquid that will release carbon dioxide for a long time. You will notice this by the specific seething and hissing.

Pour the liquid into our trap. And we place it on your site. Now all insects attracted by the smell of gas will be trapped and drown in the liquid. And the process will continue for quite a long time. Periodically it is necessary to change this liquid, or simply add yeast and add a little water.

If you place 2-3 of these traps right away, or just wait 5-7 days with one trap, believe me, there will be no insects in your area. They will all be trapped. Be sure to try this method and you will definitely be satisfied.

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