A simple amplifier based on TDA7294 with a power of 100 W

There are quite a few varieties of budget amplifiers and this is one of them. The circuit is very simple and contains only one microcircuit, several resistors and capacitors. The characteristics of the amplifier are quite serious, at such a low cost. The output power reaches 100W at maximum power. Absolutely pure output is 70 W.
A simple amplifier based on TDA7294 with a power of 100 W

Amplifier Specifications

More detailed characteristics of the amplifier on the TDA7294:
  • The power supply is bipolar with a midpoint of 12 to 40 V.
  • F out - 20-20000 Hz
  • R out. Max. (supply +-40V, Rn=8 Ohm) - 100 W.
  • R out. Max. (supply +-35V, Rn=4 Ohm) - 100 W.
  • To the harmonics (Pout = 0.7 R max.) - 0.1%.
  • Uin - 700 mV.

The TDA7294 chip is cheap and costs a penny, I bought it - HERE.

Amplifier circuit on TDA7294

Amplifier circuit on TDA7294

These amplifiers work great in pairs, so make two of these and you'll have a simple stereo amplifier. More detailed characteristics of the amplifier and connection circuits can be found in Datasheet for TDA7294 chip.
It is advisable to choose a power supply for the amplifier that is one and a half times more powerful, so keep this in mind.

Amplifier PCB

Drawing of the arrangement of elements:
A simple amplifier based on TDA7294 with a power of 100 W

Download to the board in lay format:
plata.zip [16.13 Kb] (downloads: 3400)

When printing, set the scale to 70%.

Ready amplifier

Ready amplifier on TDA7294

Ready amplifier on TDA7294

Ready amplifier on TDA7294

The microcircuit must be installed on a radiator, preferably with a fan, since it will be smaller in size. Making a printed circuit board is not at all necessary. You can take a breadboard with a large number of holes and assemble the amplifier in 30 minutes.
I advise you to build such a simple amplifier that has proven itself very well.

power unit

The power supply is completed according to the classical scheme with a 150 W transformer. I recommend taking a transformer with a ring core, since it is more powerful, smaller and emits a minimum of network interference and electromagnetic background of alternating voltage. The filter capacitors of each arm are 10,000 µF.
Ready amplifier on TDA7294

Collect your amplifier and see you soon!
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (9)
  1. Student)
    #1 Student) Guests 10 April 2019 13:37
    I found a bug in the design of the signet. The second leg of the microcircuit goes to resistor R2 and then to C1, but according to the circuit it’s the other way around: first to C1 and after R2.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests June 20, 2019 05:51
    So what's the scheme? where is it right???? R2 to C1 first or vice versa?
    1. Guest Alexey
      #3 Guest Alexey Guests 12 August 2019 16:29
      Rearranging the places of the terms does not change the sum. It’s time to learn
  3. Alexander.
    #4 Alexander. Guests 1 September 2019 13:52
    The question is, if it is powered with only 12 volts in the shoulder, how much will the output power be? And if so, will it be necessary to change (select) capacitances and resistances.
  4. Artem
    #5 Artem Guests 2 February 2020 15:19
    I lost something on the printed circuit board, capacitor C9, where did it go? Looks like he's on the list.
    1. on the seal it's c10
      #6 on the seal it's c10 Guests 24 September 2020 14:14
      on the seal it's c10
  5. Semyon
    #7 Semyon Guests 19 November 2020 18:27
    What power resistors should I use?
  6. Martin
    #8 Martin Guests 29 June 2021 09:05
    Can anyone list what electrical parts are needed?
  7. Guest Igor
    #9 Guest Igor Guests 25 November 2022 23:36
    There is a capacitor C10 on the board, but not on the diagram.