How to make a trap to effectively combat ants in garden beds

To combat ants in the house, in summer cottages or in the garden, you can use a special preparation containing ordinary borax as an active ingredient. The price of one package is about 350 rubles. In our case, it is much more profitable to buy a package of borax, which costs about the same.

How to make a garden ant trap

Our idea of ​​​​fighting ants is that we will use not only a liquid, but also an almost dry solution of borax mixed with granulated sugar. If a liquid solution of a mixture of borax and sugar kills only the ants that drink it, then the almost dry mixture of borax and sugar, sticking to the bodies and paws of the ants, ends up in their nests, where the queen producing larvae is located. Poisoning the queen with borax will lead to her death and interrupt the emergence of larvae, and the entire ant family may die overnight.

To manipulate borax, you must use at least a medical mask to protect yourself from borax vapors, which can cause illness or even poisoning. It is also better to wear rubber or latex gloves on your hands.

To prepare a liquid solution of borax and sugar, pour 1 tablespoon of borax powder, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar into a plastic bottle, pour 1/4 of a glass of water, close the neck of the bottle with a lid and vigorously shake the bottle with its contents for a while to completely dissolve the ingredients and obtain homogeneous mix. This completes the preparation of the liquid solution.

To obtain an almost dry mixture of borax and sugar, we also add the indicated ingredients to a plastic bottle in the same proportion, that is, 1 to 4, but add just a few drops of water and vigorously shake the contents of the bottle. Despite the presence of a small amount of water, the mixture should look almost dry. Preparation of the dry solution is completed.

We make small holes in the top of the bottles so that bees cannot get into them, and place them next to the vegetable beds on the main paths of ants movement with the holes towards the top to prevent the solution from leaking out.

After a few days, you can see that in a bottle with a liquid solution of borax and sugar, there are a large number of dead insects. They are also available in a bottle with an almost dry mixture. It is desirable that the ants caught in the dry mix get out of the bottle and, upon reaching the nest, poison the queen.

Successfully controlling ants is not a single act. It is necessary to fight them regularly and for quite a long time. Only in this case can you expect positive results.

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