Postcard with ants

To make a DIY postcard “Ants” we need to use:
1. Light green cardboard.
2. Quilling paper - black, red, white.
3. Light green colored paper.
4. Cardboard or base for a 15x15 cm postcard, green or dark green.
5. Foam tape.
6. Special tool for quilling, glue, tweezers, scissors.

Preparing the base
Let's take light green cardboard and cut out a 14x14 cm square from it. Using double-sided tape, attach it in the center to the base. We will cut out “tubercles” from light green paper, the width of which will also be 14 cm. Next, we will attach these “tubercles” to double-sided foam tape below on the light green surface. Next, you can start making the details that will make up our postcard.
Making ants
To do this, take quilling paper (5 or 3 mm). To make the body of one ant, we will need to make three parts and three strips of paper for the legs. To make the head, take quilling paper (15 cm), then with a special quilling tool we make a roll, unravel it a little and give it the shape as in the photo.If you don't have a special tool, then you can easily use a toothpick and wrap some quilling paper around it. In the same way, we perform the middle element of the ant’s body, for which we will need paper 5 cm long, and for the last element of the body we take paper 20 cm long. You can do three of each element at once.
Now we make the paws: you need to cut the quilling paper lengthwise so that the paws look neat. We make nine segments, each 4 cm long, and bend each one in the middle. Next, we bend each half in half again, and at the end of the segment we make another small bend so that the ants’ legs turn out to be as realistic as possible.
White quilling paper is needed to make the eyes. We cut the paper lengthwise in the same way. This is necessary for the subtlety and accuracy of these parts so that they do not look massive. 2 cm of this paper will be enough to complete one eye. We make six of these small rolls and secure them with glue.
Now we connect the parts so that we get three ants. First, we take the head, glue pre-prepared and correctly bent legs to it, then glue the middle roll of the small body, then two pairs of legs, and finally most of the body. Glue on the eyes.

Postcard with ants

The inscription on the postcard
To make the letters, take red quilling paper. For the letter “I” we will need two pieces of red paper 5 cm long and one 3 cm long. We attach the short piece to our card with glue and tweezers, and twist the other two pieces on both sides and glue them on top and bottom of the existing strip.

Postcard with ants

To make a heart, you need to take the same red paper 10-12 cm long, bend it in half and twist the ends. Then form a heart and glue it in this form next to the first letter “I” so that the heart is in the middle of the card. To make the letter “U” you will need red quilling paper 15-18 cm long, from which you should form a letter by curling the edges using a quilling tool or a toothpick. Then carefully attach the letter to the base of the card. You can do any other lettering you want in the same way.
The original and unusual DIY postcard “Ants” is ready!

Postcard with ants
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