A cheap and safe method of controlling ants and aphids on trees

Aphids on fruit trees are spread by ants, which carry them along the branches. If you block the access of insects to the crown, it simply does not appear. You can protect your garden from ants not only with poisons, but also with a very simple humane method that is accessible to everyone.

What you will need:

  • Rags;
  • unrefined sunflower oil with flavor.

The process of fighting ants on trees

It is necessary to make a ribbon from a well-absorbing soft rag, soak it in sunflower oil, and tie it to the crown of a tree.

This will become an insurmountable obstacle for the ants. The fact is that they move along routes strictly laid out by scouts, marked with a special smell. The oil covers up the marks of insects with its aroma, and they simply lose their trace. Worker ants can only follow scent. Their scouts cannot update the tags on top of the tape.

Over time, especially after rain, the smell decreases, because the ants have not gained access to the tree again, you need to add fresh oil to the tape. This is convenient to do with a syringe or pipette.As a result, you can protect your garden without killing a single ant.

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