How to quickly get rid of grass at the joints of slabs on paths

Paths in the garden or country house, lined with decorative tiles, look impressive and aesthetically pleasing. If not for one BUT. Weeds grow in the joints of the tiles. The appearance of paved paths and areas with sprouted weeds immediately loses its attractiveness. How to deal with this, because weeding is hardly enough for a week or two, and the weeds come back with enviable stubbornness.

1. The easiest and cheapest way

Salt! Regular table salt. 15 liters of water will require 3 kilograms. To make the salt dissolve faster, it is better to heat the water. While it is heating up, the tracks should be prepared for treatment with the solution. It is necessary to take a sharpened tool. This could be a shovel, trowel, or some type of scoop. And cut off all the weeds. Yes, you will have to work with your hands first. Dandelions, plantains and wheatgrass are removed mechanically with the utmost care:
  • Firstly, through loosened soil, the saline solution quickly and easily reaches the very roots of the plants.
  • Secondly, cut, damaged plants are more susceptible to an aggressive salt environment. Cut weeds are more likely to die.

While the paths were cleared of weeds, the water warmed up. Dissolve the salt and pour liberally onto the joints of the tiles. All. For clarity, you can leave a small area untreated. After a certain period of time, when comparing treated and untreated joints, the effectiveness of the solution will be obvious.

Someone will say: “No, this is all nonsense, you also need vinegar and detergent.” And this is method number 2.

2. Not the cheapest, but extremely effective way

If you add 1 liter of vinegar and half a bottle of a simple Fairy type detergent to the prepared salt solution, the effectiveness of killing weeds will increase many times over. Vinegar enhances the effect of salt, and the tandem of these two spices burns everything completely, completely and for a long time. What is detergent for? For better adhesion. So that the solution “sticks” to the weeds better and does not roll off immediately after application.

All these weed control measures should be carried out in dry weather without rain. Otherwise, rain will reduce the concentration and treatment efficiency will decrease. One treatment is enough for the whole season.

And another important factor. The solution affects all plants. If it flows from the paths onto the beds, you will appreciate its effect on vegetable and ornamental crops. They too will die. Be careful.

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