Garden. Page 10

Master classes:

A simple way to make coal briquettes

Charcoal briquettes, which are usually purchased for barbecues, can be made by yourself. For this, the simplest technology available to everyone is used. Having understood the basics of production, you can improve it and produce coal in large quantities.

How to build a gazebo alone in 1 day from boards and ondulin

Many people dream of having a gazebo on their property, but still can’t save up to buy it. It is not necessary that it have carved and figured elements; you can save money and make it yourself simply from an edged board. Believe me, if around her

How to make a water tank from an old tire

Old worn out tires can be used in many different ways, even being used to make airtight water storage containers. Such tanks are useful for collecting sediment, mixing concrete, or simply for storing bulk materials. Manufacturing

How to make a grill with an ignition cylinder and a lifting grate based on a car jack

Almost everyone loves grilled meat, but they are too lazy to light the coals and constantly control the heat. Having made such a grill, you will cook with pleasure. It ignites simply and quickly, is easy to clean from ash, and has cutting

How to grow potatoes in tires and how effective it is

Potato beds can be made from old tires. Simply lay 2 tires on top of each other and fill them with nutritious soil. Potatoes growing in such conditions produce a higher yield than with conventional planting.

How to quickly and cheaply make garden tiles with your own hands

To arrange paths in the garden, you can make concrete slabs with your own hands. It will cost very little and will not take much time. It can be laid closely, or you can make walking paths.

How to get rid of unpleasant odors from outdoor toilets and sewers without expensive chemicals

For a modern person, going to an outdoor toilet is a test of willpower due to the unpleasant odor inside. Often the stench from the septic tank spreads for tens of meters around, making the adjacent part of the site not the most favorite for

Effective budget fertilizer for seedlings based on onion peels

Fans of biological farming, who fundamentally do not use synthetic substances, mineral fertilizers and pesticides when growing vegetables, even at the seedling stage, know many recipes for natural feeding of nightshade plants.

How to eliminate phosphorus starvation of tomato seedlings

Very often, novice gardeners, who for the first time decide to grow tomato seedlings on their own, are faced with the phenomenon of the appearance of a purple tint on the bottom of the leaf blades. In case of particularly unfavorable circumstances

Economical long-burning stove for a greenhouse made from a barrel

To heat the greenhouse in spring, when the nights are still cold but there are no severe frosts, you can use a simple long-burning stove made from a barrel. One load of three logs into it is enough to heat for at least 12 hours. It’s not possible to make such a stove

How to pump water with a submersible pump from any ditch without blockages

If there is a stream flowing near the site or there is a ditch with water, then this can be used to organize irrigation using a vibration pump. The only problem is that at the bottom of such reservoirs there is silt in which the equipment sinks,

6 gardening tools with Ali Express that will make life easier

Garden centers, and especially Aliexpress, sell many products for summer residents. Among them there are really useful devices and tools. Many of them help, and may even become indispensable. Let's look at 6 such products.

How to make a simple garden auger from a sheet of steel

When burying posts or simply planting plants from pots, it is convenient to use a garden auger. It is easier, faster and more accurate to work with than a shovel. Making a drill with welding and a grinder is not difficult.

How to make the roots of tomato seedlings grow after picking

Immediately after picking, in order for the tomato seedlings to strengthen well, you need to stimulate its root system.If you use conventional fertilizers, the plants will begin to actively gain green mass, which will cause the roots to lag. While processing this

A simple stove being tested for a greenhouse or tent

To maintain heat in a greenhouse or tent, various types of stoves are used. One of the most profitable is working on working off. This homemade stove can burn for up to 10 hours on one refill. It heats up easily

How to Make a Log Bench in a Modern Rustic Style

In recent years, garden furniture made from sawing logs, combined with metal elements, has become popular. It looks beautiful and expensive, but it also costs accordingly. The costs of assembling it when manufactured independently are minimal. If you

Personal experience: Planting onions and garlic together for forcing onto greens

Everyone knows that onions and garlic sprout en masse in the spring. And even if all storage conditions for these root crops are met (temperature from 0 to +2°C, air humidity in the cellar from 70 to 75%, ventilation), the appearance of specimens

How to make an outdoor grill oven from a 200 liter barrel

Most people use a portable barbecue made of sheet steel, which after a couple of uses becomes deformed due to high temperatures. If it is used when traveling to the forest, to the beach or fishing, then thanks to its mobility this disadvantage can be overcome.

Do not throw away stretched seedlings - they can be fixed

If you forget about the seeds planted in a pot, then without light and water after germination, the seedlings become very elongated.They turn out thin, white, with an absolute deviation from the norm. Usually they are simply thrown away, but there is a way to save them and get them into

Growing tomatoes using the I.M. method Maslova

Modern tomato varieties have great yield potential, but cannot use it to its fullest. The small root of the plant is simply not able to absorb enough nutrients from the soil to support the entire ovary. In this regard, it is important

How to bend a pipe into a greenhouse arch using a homemade template

When making a greenhouse, it is important that each pipe arch has the same bending radius. If you have a pipe bender available, then preparing identical parts is not a problem. In its absence, the required level of accuracy can only be achieved by collecting

How to make a garden lamp from PVC pipe

Summer evenings in the garden will be filled with special beauty if you hang unusual lamps around. You can make magic and cheap lanterns very simply from ordinary LED lamps and PVC pipes.

Know-how in planting tomatoes for a large harvest

Literally a dozen tomato bushes grown in ideal conditions will yield a larger harvest than an entire plantation, watered and fertilized occasionally. If you have little time to care for your beds, then you need to rely on several plants,

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

Quite often, both beginners and experienced gardeners allow the soil for seedlings to become waterlogged, which can damage delicate plants.An excess of moisture prevents them from fully absorbing nutrition from the soil, slows down development and growth, and leads to wilting.