Effective budget fertilizer for seedlings based on onion peels

Fans of biological farming, who fundamentally do not use synthetic substances, mineral fertilizers and pesticides when growing vegetables, even at the seedling stage, know many recipes for natural feeding of nightshade plants.

Useful properties of onion peels

One of the most popular plant products among tomato growers for stimulating the growth and development of all parts of seedlings is onion peel. Aqueous infusions of onion and garlic peels are successfully used in gardening both as a valuable microfertilizer and as a remedy against diseases and pests of vegetable and flower crops.

Bioflavonoids (quercetin), phytoncides, vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements present in the integumentary scales of onions activate the development of the root system and at the same time destroy pathogenic microflora in the earthen coma.

And preparing plant raw materials, at any time of the year, is not difficult even for lazy summer residents.It is enough just to constantly collect dry covering scales from healthy bulbs and store them in glass jars, paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Homemade food recipe

Take 2 handfuls of onion and garlic peels, compact the raw materials into a 0.5 liter jar and fill to the top with cold water. The infusion is prepared in a shaded place for 3-4 days. It is not necessary to close the jar with a nylon lid, since the future fertilizer does not emit any unpleasant odors. To enhance the extraction of beneficial compounds, it is recommended to stir the infusion with a wooden spatula 2-3 times a day.

In undiluted form, the filtered infusion is used exclusively to combat pests of seedlings and indoor plants (spider mites and aphids). For this purpose, concentrated onion elixir is used for spraying plants on leaves from a fine spray bottle, as well as for wetting the surface of an earthen clod in planting containers made from the same.

To prepare a universal fertilizer with growth-stimulating properties, the mother elixir, after filtering, is diluted with settled or rainwater at room temperature, softened by special means, in a ratio of 1:4. From 0.4 liters of onion concentrate you get 2 liters of liquid fertilizer.

And to enhance the beneficial qualities of onion peel infusion, experts advise enriching the working solution with hydrogen peroxide (3%). Thanks to active oxygen molecules, hydrogen peroxide creates favorable conditions for the development of a powerful root system of tomatoes. A pharmaceutical antiseptic is added to the prepared fertilizer at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of diluted infusion.

The plant material used after straining the onion infusion can either be added to compost or spread as mulch under garden crops, for example, clematis or roses.

Recommendations for using onion peel infusion for seedling crops

It is most convenient to apply liquid fertilizer using a syringe or large syringe, especially if your bushes live in common planting containers. Approximately 5 ml of the prepared solution is poured under each tomato seedling.

It is not recommended to store the fertilizer due to the rapid decrease in the concentration of biologically active substances. Fertilizing applied to plants in the first half of the day is most effective.

The prepared nutrient solution is successfully used at all stages of development of tomato seedlings, starting from the moment the cotyledon leaves appear.

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, watering seedlings at the root with onion infusion with the addition of hydrogen peroxide replaces most fertilizers. The solution is used every 10-12 days, carefully moistening the soil under the roots of the seedlings with it instead of scheduled watering.

In addition to tomatoes, you can also feed other nightshade vegetables with a solution of onion peels and hydrogen peroxide: eggplants and bell peppers.

As well as seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, basil, cabbage and celery.

Strong and well-leafed seedlings with thick stems and powerful roots are the key to stable yields of tomatoes and other vegetables!

Free fertilizer that will increase the yield and sugar content of tomatoes and other vegetables - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6298-besplatnoe-udobrenie-kotoroe-povysit-urozhaj-i-saharistost-tomatov-i-drugih-ovoschej.html

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