Different. Page 34

Master classes:

DIY birch bark phone case

The modern variety of protective bumpers, glass, and scratch removal liquids is huge and countless. There is only a colossal variety of covers; books, bags, hard, soft, transparent, leather, plastic and

How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

If a knife or some other hand tool for wood is not hardened, then it quickly becomes dull and difficult to work with, and it takes a lot of time to process the material. Usually they are hardened using a forge. But even without him

Welding thin metal with your own hands

Even experienced welders take into account the fact that when welding thin metal, it can burn out. Therefore, they recommend carefully preparing workpieces for welding, using suitable electrodes, choosing the optimal current strength and using special

Methods for cutting threads on propylene pipes

A situation cannot be ruled out when it is urgently necessary to cut a thread in a propylene pipe or coupling, but there are no special devices for this. You can get out of this difficult situation by having at hand a minimum of non-scarce materials and some

Making wine at home

This year we had a big grape harvest. For us, this is the Kaluga region, Borovsky district, i.e. the very middle zone of Russia, a zone of risky farming. The weather contributed to this to a large extent, although during the summer

How to make a nail puzzle

Great item to keep guests busy. You give them a puzzle and ask them things like, “how did they put the nail in there?” Naturally there will be a heated debate, which will be very interesting to watch, knowing the secret of this puzzle. In principle, you can practically guess

How to make a device for making dowels

Dowels are often used to connect various wooden structures; this is a universal and effective carpentry technique. But it is not always possible to buy them, and to make them yourself you need to have a lathe - an expensive special one.

Universal brake pad bearing remover

Rear brake pads that have served their purpose are usually thrown away, although the metal from which they are made has good technical and operational characteristics. They can be successfully used for making various crafts, including

How to drill a well yourself

Most summer cottages use water from ordinary wells. It has many disadvantages.It is much better to have an artesian well, but ordering its drilling from special companies is expensive. There is an accessible method to get the job done

How to give an old screwdriver new functions

One of the commonly used hand tools for plumbing is a screwdriver. Therefore, it constantly needs care and regular updating, especially if the handle is made of durable but scratchy plastic. Along with the return of familiar

How to smoothly bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender and heating

Profile pipes, which are not inferior in strength to round ones, have a number of significant advantages when creating metal structures and constructing load-bearing frames for various products or buildings. However, the smooth bending of such rolled products without special

A center punch from an automobile valve that does not give in the hand

It is very difficult to drill a large number of holes in metal parts without punching the center; the drill constantly moves off the usual mark. We recommend a simple punch made from a car valve and a bicycle hub that will save your hands

How to make a machine vice with your own hands

A machine or drilling vice is indispensable for working with small parts in any workshop or garage. In this master class I will tell you how I made a vice for a drilling machine with my own hands. Considering that it is often necessary to clamp parts

DIY garden hose reel from a car wheel

Plastic and rubber watering hoses, especially long ones, are not easy to unwind and rewind every time. Leaving them on the beds or lawn for the whole season is also not a good idea: you will constantly cling to them with your feet, and you can accidentally damage them.

How to connect an aluminum radiator to a heating element

There are situations when the batteries are already installed, but the wiring of the heating system has not yet been done, the boiler is not connected. What should you do if it’s cold outside when you ate, but you need to maintain a positive temperature in the rooms, otherwise the finish will deteriorate?

How to make a deep tenon groove with a minimal set of tools

One of the common and very reliable carpentry connections is the tongue and groove. However, in the absence of a router, it is often ignored, since manual cutting of grooves requires real fiddling. Let's look at how to make grooves a little faster.

Simple DIY biogas plant

Free cooking gas can be obtained from human and animal waste. To do this, you can assemble a simple biogas plant. The principle of obtaining gas from waste is very simple: the waste is placed in a sealed

Unique DIY welding trolley with folding table

Semi-automatic welding (MIG/MAG) includes a welding arc power source, a reel and wire feeder, gas equipment with a gas cylinder, wires, a torch, hoses, etc. If welding work is to be done outside

9 tips from professional carpenters

During the manufacture of various wood products by inexperienced craftsmen, unpleasant situations often arise. Professionals prevent the occurrence of most problems, and eliminate the rest quickly and without any additional effort. Here are a few

A simple and very functional organizer made of PVC pipes

Today I want to tell and show you one wonderful homemade product made from plastic pipes and sewer plugs. I decided to clean up my balcony and create a small workspace. It was necessary to somehow organize the numerous screws and screws.

How to make a water well without a drilling rig

Water is always needed at a summer cottage, regardless of the size of the house and the length of time you live in it. Digging traditional wells is time-consuming and expensive; land owners most often make wells. But there is one problem - specialized companies have their own

How to turn old pallets into a beautiful coffee table

This ordinary piece of furniture, made of unusual materials, can not only fulfill its direct functions, but also become a real decoration of the interior of any room, especially one designed as a loft. It doesn't require much to make it.

Crosscut carriage - tenon saw for box joints

Using this universal carriage, it is convenient to trim wooden workpieces and saw them exactly to size using stops. And with the help of simple additions you can make a tongue-and-groove box connection or make decorative grilles.

Three simple crafts for the home

If you have free time and a desire to do something for your home with your own hands, then you can read the article and please yourself and those around you. Despite their simplicity, all crafts are very functional and easy to use.