Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 23

Master classes:

How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

Mowing grass is considered one of the most labor-intensive types of physical work. If, moreover, the braid is not cut correctly, then this process turns into one continuous torment. With regular use of the scythe, the edge gradually wears off and needs to be

How to clean a bucket of fish in 15 minutes

Have you caught a lot of fish and want to quickly clean everything without the scales flying in different directions? There is a very interesting way. The idea is certainly not new, there are already many similar methods on the Internet, so we decided to repeat what we saw and clean the fish quickly

How to preserve vegetables without canning: vegetable cubes are a godsend for the housewife

In the summer, while cheap vegetables are available in abundance, in addition to canning them, you can make bouillon cubes for freezing. Later they are used as a semi-finished product in the preparation of soups, sauces, etc.

Sharpen drills on sandpaper in 1 minute

For most, the most affordable option for sharpening drill bits is to use sandpaper. It is not as convenient to use as special sharpening machines for drills with adjustable angles, but with the right approach you can achieve quite

How to easily sharpen a step drill

Step drills can be turned perfectly on a lathe, but not everyone has one, and it is not profitable to pay a turner for such work. If the workshop only has emery, then the drill can be adjusted using it. However, the specificity of emery allows this to be done

Welding plastic pipes without a soldering iron

Not everyone has a soldering iron for welding plastic pipes, and it is not practical to rent or buy one for several connections. In this case, you can get by with a regular gas burner, which costs less, and is often simply

I don’t buy cucumbers in winter anymore! Super way to freeze cucumbers

Cucumbers sold in winter are many times worse than summer cucumbers, both in taste and chemical composition. It is better to eat them to a minimum, or better not to buy them at all. An alternative to greenhouse pesticide cucumbers is frozen summer cucumbers.

After a year of storage, garlic is like fresh, the best way to preserve the harvest

Often harvested garlic spoils before the next harvest. It turns out that no matter how much you plant it, the reserves rot, mold or dry out, so by the beginning of summer or even earlier you have to buy garlic in the store. So that he doesn't

How to adjust the blades of a hair clipper to cut the smallest hairs without twitching

After sharpening, the clipper blades need to be adjusted before tightening the screws. Otherwise, the hair will be cut with gaps or plucked.

How to start a lawn mower if the starter is broken

If the starter of the brush cutter is broken, but you urgently need to mow the grass in the area, then you can use a little trick. The proposed method will also help to quickly start the engine of the lawn mower after a long period of inactivity, when it is poured into the carburetor

After this cleaning, the iron will work like new.

If you pour ordinary water into the iron instead of distilled water, scale will appear in it. Gradually it blocks the steam outlets and this function stops working. You can remove scale from the inside of your iron in just 10 minutes using regular

After this treatment, the pan no longer burns

When using a regular frying pan without a non-stick coating, you constantly have to scrape off the stuck-on remnants of the cooking dish from it. It is difficult to make pancakes, fry meat, and stew vegetables on it. To get rid of the problem of burning, you can

A cheap product will 100% get rid of grass between the tiles

A few years after laying paving slabs, weeds grow between the seams. This spoils the appearance of the paths and can lead to the roots turning out the tiles. If difficult-to-remove weeds appear in the seams, you can remove them easily

How to make a permanent trimmer guard

The plastic protective shield on lawn mowers is extremely unreliable.It is often broken into fragments by stones flying out from under the knife. If the area has a lot of gravel hidden in the grass, then there is no point in installing a new plastic shield of the same type. Need more

How and with what to replace handles on a mosquito net that won’t break later

Removable mosquito nets are equipped with a pair of small plastic handles. Over several seasons, the plastic from which they are made loses its properties. As a result, when trying to remove the mesh, the handles simply break off. Thus, change them to the same ones

Have you grown a lot of onions and want to store them without any problems? Make onion powder

Onions are a product without which it is impossible to prepare almost any dish (excluding sweet desserts, of course). This vegetable is a mandatory and indispensable ingredient in soups and sauces, meat, mushroom, vegetable and fish dishes.

The most pleasant way to get rid of mice

Rodents, especially in a house with clapboard siding, multiply very quickly, after which they begin to feel like real masters. They make noise at night, chew wooden walls, furniture, wires, and also spoil food. Catch them all

We rid the area of ​​all anthills with just one ampoule

An excessive number of ants on the site is fraught not only for plants, but also bad in general. Ants constantly drag soil onto garden paths, concrete, and paving slabs, which makes it necessary to sweep more often. In addition, they crawl into the house,

What to do if your washing machine is leaking? Most common reason

The most common problem with washing machines is leakage through the powder tray. Drops of water run straight down the dashboard. They can also get on the shock absorbers hidden inside, causing them to rust and the car to start jumping when

With this tool, you no longer need a hammer when hammering in posts.

When installing a light fence or tensioning a mesh, the posts do not have to be dug in or concreted, but driven in. It's faster and easier, but still difficult. If you have to drive in a couple of dozen pillars, then it’s worth welding a simple device for this,

How to get rid of wireworms forever, simply and without chemicals

If there are wireworms on the site, potatoes and carrots suffer greatly. This pest gnaws through root crops, resulting in a significant portion of the crop becoming inedible. It is also detrimental to young seedlings. Therefore, in early spring, or

How to return transparency to plastic manually

Transparent plastic, due to its low hardness, gets scratched and rubbed over time, becoming dull and completely opaque. As a result, the product made from it becomes unusable. To restore its transparency, you need to polish it. This

A way to rid your garden of ants forever

Ants in normal quantities are beneficial for the soil and plants, as they contribute to its aeration and produce formic acid. However, if there are too many of them, they begin to gnaw the crop, and in addition they infect the plant with aphids. In such

How to get rid of itching after a mosquito bite in 20 seconds

Summer, heat, sun and mosquitoes. Yes, the ideal picture of a vacation is almost always spoiled by blood-sucking mosquitoes and midges. It would seem that they bite less painfully, but these are not the worst consequences. After their bite, irritation appears and this place begins to