How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

Mowing grass is considered one of the most labor-intensive types of physical work. If, moreover, the braid is not cut correctly, then this process turns into one continuous torment. With regular use of the scythe, the edge gradually wears off and needs to be periodically restored. At first, nothing may work out, but over time you develop the skill and your own individual style of creating a very thin drawn layer on the blade.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

Will need

In order to learn the techniques of beating a tool, we need to show perseverance and have the following materials and devices on hand:
  • not broken braid;
  • device for beating (beam on two rollers);
  • a headstock driven into the beam closer to one end;
  • a heavy hammer;
  • extended bar, etc.

The braiding process

Some people beat off the braid by removing it from the braid, others do not do this. It all depends on the skills acquired during training and habits. Place the braid face down on the headstock, starting from the toe.Then we make drawn blows with a hammer on the chamfer of the canvas, gradually moving the braid from toe to toe as it is pulled back.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

As a result, the hard metal blade made of tool steel grades U8 or U7 is pulled back, flattened, and a thin strip (tip) is obtained, approximately 3 mm wide and of optimal thickness. If it is thick, editing will be difficult; if it is too thin, the tip will begin to curl up when mowing and will quickly become dull. In both cases, mowing will be difficult and unproductive.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

It is very important to hold the braid correctly on the headstock. Until the middle of the canvas, it must be supported from below with two fingers, and the thumb pressed against the headstock. This will prevent the canvas from slipping and bouncing when impacted. It is more convenient to hold the braid on the headstock from the middle to the tip of the nose by placing four fingers on top, and also pressing your thumb against the headstock.
After completing the beating, it is necessary to trim the tip with quick, but not very strong blows of the hammer from the side opposite to the beating. If this process is carried out as expected, then looking at the tip from the end, we should not see shine along the entire length of the blade, but just a solid dark stripe.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

Now all that remains is to correct the sting with a block using 3-4 movements along the blade from start to finish on both sides. This smooths out minor irregularities that remain when beating the canvas.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

When the scythe is correctly cut and adjusted, no special effort is required when mowing. It creates the illusion that she is mowing by herself.
How to properly cut a braid so that it mows itself

When mowing, the tool must be periodically cleaned of any remaining adhering grass and soil. To do this, wipe the canvas with a bunch of freshly cut grass. After this, on a clean braid, the sting is adjusted with a block without much pressure, using continuous movements from heel to toe or intermittent ones on one side and the other.

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Comments (2)
  1. a lion
    #1 a lion Guests 5 August 2020 19:09
    You can beat the braid without a headstock, just on a small anvil, for example, on a piece of rail.. In this case, the braid is placed on the anvil face up and the beating is done with a hammer with a square striker, which you hit only with the very tip. Of course, for this you need to have a steady hand and a developed eye. Also, some experienced craftsmen beat off the scythe with the sharp end of a hammer, striking somewhat obliquely. In this case, a serrated sting is obtained that resembles a saw. After straightening with a block, such an edge cuts completely effortlessly, like a razor. But to cut a scythe like that, you need a certain amount of experience. Try it, but remember that if the blows are inaccurate and are applied not at the tip itself, but in the middle, then you can ruin the braid, it will go in waves. Good luck...
  2. Fedor
    #2 Fedor Guests 2 September 2020 17:45
    With such a chop you can only collect land