How to cut a braid using tools that are always at hand

A long time ago, in the remote Soviet and tsarist times in Rus', hay was mowed with hand scythes. Much water has passed under the bridge since then. Various mowers, electric and gasoline trimmers have appeared. Individual farming in the form of cows, sheep and goats has ceased to be kept in the Russian village. My parents kept cattle in the village until about 2004-2005. People stopped buying milk from us: it’s cheaper in the store and it doesn’t go sour for a long time. It became unprofitable to keep a cow. Well, besides, age did not add optimism: keeping a cow is troublesome and difficult. The cow and goats were liquidated. But the braid remained. The garden plot must be mowed periodically. The mother was never able to adapt to modern technologies, and in the old fashioned way she mows her plot with a scythe. I, in turn, had to master the technology for repairing and maintaining this instrument, already rare in our village.

Braids can still be bought at hardware stores. But in order for it to mow, it must be prepared in a special way - beaten off. This means that the cutting edge of the braid must be flattened so that it becomes thinner, and therefore sharper.Previously, my father had a special workplace equipped for this next to the barn. During mowing, he beat off the braids almost every day in the evening before the morning mowing. Now this is not done so often, because there is no specially equipped place. The place I have is temporary, easily disassembled and assembled.

How to cut off a braid

First you need to take a stump, larger in diameter, preferably made of hard wood: I had oak in stock. We lightly hammer an ax into the middle of the stump, old or new, sharp or dull - it doesn’t matter. The ax will not be damaged after the procedure of beating off the scythes, and can be used further for its intended purpose. In principle, if you plan to beat off your braids often and a lot, there is a special device for this - a “headstock for beating off braids.” Now you can also buy it, or you can make it yourself from an old hammer. I also had a “grandmother,” but due to the fact that the need to cut off my braids occurs once or twice a year, she was lost. I bought a new one and lost it again. And then I came up with the idea of ​​​​using an ax for this purpose; it is always at hand and is needed in work much more often.

The next step is to come up with a holder for the handle of the braid. In order for the braid to break correctly, its blade must lie flat on the headstock. For this purpose, I hung a load weighing 300-400 grams on a rope approximately 1.5 meters long in the barn doorway. You can use any piece of metal, stone, water bottle, etc. as a load. In my case, I used old brake pads from a car.

Next, we will equip a seat for our fifth point. I used scraps of wood for this. The following options come to mind: another stump, an iron bucket turned upside down, any stool, etc.And we install the braid as follows: the blade of the braid lies on the “headstock”, the end of the braid handle is fixed using a cord with a weight.

Now we can move on to the process of beating the braid. The blade of the braid, as I said earlier, should lie equally parallel to the surface of the headstock. We hold and guide the braid with our left hand. With our right hand we strike the cutting edge of the braid with the pointed part of the hammer in order to flatten it and make it thinner and sharper. It is necessary to avoid two defects: do not flatten the edge too much and make foil out of it, it will not last long, it will break off and the mow will be bad; and there is no need to allow the metal to crack; along the cracks, the edge will break off, and the cutting properties of the scythe will deteriorate.


In the photo you can see what the braid looks like before beating and after beating. Immediately before mowing, the blade of the scythe must be straightened with a sharpening stone. During the mowing process, you should also periodically sharpen the scythe, carefully so as not to cut your fingers, after first clearing it of pieces of grass.

Even after beating, my father would put the scythe in a bath of water overnight. This was necessary so that it would not dry out, the holder of the braid would not become loose, and it would not dangle.

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Comments (11)
  1. Zuev Vladimir Mikhailovich
    #1 Zuev Vladimir Mikhailovich Guests 31 July 2019 23:06
    thanks to the author, I mowed it like an amateur, but I never beat it off, I didn’t even know how it was done, I thought without special equipment it was impossible or what kind of feature is there, thanks again for health and longevity
  2. Buradon
    #2 Buradon Guests August 1, 2019 01:08
    The braid was beaten not to thin the blade's sting, but to make the edge wavy.
    1. Petr Vasilievich
      #3 Petr Vasilievich Guests 28 August 2019 12:01
      The braid is beaten not to make it wavy, but to make it thinner, and therefore sharper, and also to increase the hardness of the metal. Beating increases the hardness of the metal edge and it retains its cutting properties longer. The way the author beat it in the photo is, of course, an obvious defect!
  3. Guest Gosha
    #4 Guest Gosha Guests 1 August 2019 12:49
    This is the first time I’ve heard of a braid being beaten without removing it from the scythe (handle).
    1. radiovyk
      #5 radiovyk Guests 1 August 2019 21:42
      NEVER! the braid is not removed from the axis (and not the handle as you think)!
    2. Valeri Mishnov
      #6 Valeri Mishnov Guests 9 August 2019 18:13
      In the debate about beating off the scythe, many are wrong. You can beat off the braid without untying it from the braid. The author suggests one of these methods. In the Kaluga region, there are two ways to break the scythe: Russian fight - as the author shows, German fight - the scythe is reversed side up and is beaten with a wide hammer head on a narrow butterfly. During Russian fighting, the braid must either be tied out, or the braid must be suspended, or with the help of a second one, which will hold the braid. During German fighting, the butterfly is installed at a convenient height (In a vice or a felled tree) and the scythe lies on the ground. But the sting of the scythe is pulled back evenly and without jagged edges. In the photo the author has an obvious marriage.
  4. Boris
    #7 Boris Guests 1 August 2019 17:32
    Not everyone can break the scythe, you need to pull the metal towards yourself with a hammer and not at once, otherwise the metal will be in the firecrackers, i.e. like the author, or it will be waves, which is also unacceptable. From time to time, the tip of the hammer needs to be moistened in a jar of water. I tidy up the braid with a high-quality triangular file, the braid is razor-sharp.
  5. Evgeny Belousov
    #8 Evgeny Belousov Guests 1 August 2019 17:35
    An instructional article on how to ruin a braid.
    Of course, the scythe needs to be beaten off, then the scythe will last much longer, and it’s easier to mow. Anyone who sees how it’s done and understands the idea can break the scythe correctly. But if I had beaten off the scythe as shown in this article, my grandfather would have rolled over in his grave. ..
  6. Guest Nikolay
    #9 Guest Nikolay Guests August 9, 2019 02:01
    The braid is badly cut. Maybe somewhere they beat off a braid like this, but we always removed it, it’s more convenient, there’s more opportunity to turn it, to position it more comfortably. Apparently those who do not remove it are those who cannot then properly strengthen it, and this is important.
  7. Dmitriy
    #10 Dmitriy Guests 20 September 2019 20:35
    It is better, of course, to beat the braid, and not to sharpen it with a triangular file, since when beating, the metal is hardened and the scythe will last longer, but this is not so easy, I tried it when I was young and it didn’t work right away, the scythe went in waves, although when I watched how the old people beat it, it seems like nothing complicated.
  8. Ivan Orlovsky
    #11 Ivan Orlovsky Guests September 22, 2019 08:15
    Personally, I prefer a hand braid to any trimmer. I love mowing by hand and can do it all day long, although my age is approaching 70 years.I used to beat the braid on the headstock, this is a special small bench on which you sit astride, in the front part there is an elevation into which the so-called “grandmother” is driven directly - a piece of metal tapering towards the top, on which the beating takes place. It must have special qualities, it should not flatten and at the same time should not crumble from impact. In this case, the braid is held upside down. At one time I lost it, I couldn’t find another one like it, they are not on sale now, they used to be made by rural blacksmiths, now there are no blacksmiths. I tried to use a piece of a large file, its middle is flattened, it is surface hardened. Therefore, I adapted a piece for beating
    a small-sized rail, which is secured to the stump. The scythe, in this case, has to be kept in the same position as it stands on the saddle.
    The hammer for beating must also be special, with a square head; a shaped one, with a round head, is not suitable. The blows must be struck so that the front part of the hammer head (no more than 3 mm) falls strictly on the cutting edge of the scythe. High-quality beating is done in 3 or even 4 times, the grip of the blow decreases each time, the last time the grip is no more than 1 mm, this way you will protect yourself from cracks and get a sharp edge that only needs light straightening with a fine-grained stone. It’s not easy to do this, you need training. But the result is worth it, the braid will go on easily, without effort. It is also important to correctly install the braid at the correct angle to the axis; it must be individual, depending on your physique. I don’t recommend using various bolted devices to secure the braid; they easily become loose; I think the best is the old method - using a ring and a wedge.
    Mowing by hand is an excellent physical workout for the shoulder girdle and lumbar muscles, so you can even get rid of lumbar osteochondrosis. I wish you health, easy and pleasant mowing.