After this treatment, the pan no longer burns

When using a regular frying pan without a non-stick coating, you constantly have to scrape off the stuck-on remnants of the cooking dish from it. It is difficult to make pancakes, fry meat, and stew vegetables on it. To get rid of the problem of burning, you can use the old proven processing method to make the surface non-stick.

What you will need:

  • kitchen salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • bandage;
  • fork;
  • dishwashing sponge or cloth.

Process of frying pan

The frying pan is placed on low heat and sprinkled with table salt. The salt must be stirred constantly without stopping for about 20 minutes. Then the heat is turned off and the pan is left to cool.

The cooled frying pan is washed from salt with water without detergents. It is then placed back on the burner and heated until dry.

A hot frying pan is rubbed with vegetable oil. To do this, use a fork wrapped in a bandage or gauze.

After 2 minutes, the pan is wiped dry and filled with a thin layer of oil. Heating continues for another 3 minutes. After calcination, the oil is drained and the surface is wiped.

A frying pan prepared in this way will no longer burn.

To prevent the non-stick coating formed on it from being washed off, do not use a scraper or chemical detergents when cleaning it. Can only be washed with warm water. As the coating wears off, the treatment is repeated.

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