Cooking Popcorn at home

It is perhaps difficult to find a delicacy more popular especially among children, teenagers and young adults (and adults are not averse to indulging in it) than popcorn. It is usually sold in parks and cinemas, entertainment complexes, in short, in places most frequently visited by people. It’s not so difficult to prepare this dish at home, right on your own kitchen stove, spending just a few minutes.

Cooking Popcorn at home

To make homemade popcorn you will need the following:
vegetable oil (preferably refined),
corn grain (fortunately, there is plenty of it in stores),
powdered sugar and salt,
frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) with a lid.

The preparation method is quite simple:
Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan (so as to cover the bottom) and add one or two (this depends on the diameter of the frying pan) tablespoons of grain. Cover the pan with a lid. Turn on high heat. Soon sounds like popping noises will begin to be made from under the lid. When the sounds stop, open the pan - the popcorn is ready.
All that remains is to transfer the finished cereal into 2 bowls and sprinkle with salt in one and powdered sugar in the other.

And you don’t have to run somewhere to buy another portion of your favorite treat.
Bon appetit!
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Comments (1)
  1. Irina
    #1 Irina Guests 8 August 2014 15:48
    sorry of course. but I can't do it. I did everything as it was written there