Useful and interesting. Page 79

Master classes:

TV antenna with weather vane

This antenna has shown excellent results in signal reception, and it can also be used to constantly determine the direction and strength of the wind. It is located in the country and also performs the function of scaring away birds to protect the crop from pecking. In

Homemade products from box scraps

Having finished installing the next local area network, as always in such cases, a pile of scraps of plastic boxes formed. You can, of course, collect them and use them somehow next time. But... Firstly, when will it be - this next one

Homemade, homemade air conditioner

For it you will need: 1. An old printer. 2. 4 coolers from the computer. 3. Power supply. 4. Insulating tape. 5. Bottle with ice. (We put a plastic bottle of water in the freezer, and after 5-10 hours we get a bottle of ice.) 6. Soldering iron. IN

Making a screen with a picture

Yes, I’m just sure that most people have a couple of broken or old mobile phones at home. It would be a shame to throw it away, let it sit, maybe it will do. In this article I will offer you a homemade solution for this “maybe”.Glowing screen with any picture you like

Portrait made of buttons

There is a mood when, standing in front of a store window, you understand: figurines and glasses do not bring the joy that you want to bring with a memorable gift. One day, Eureka gave me the confidence to make an unusual portrait with my own hands.

We cut ordinary glass with ordinary scissors

I once watched a video on the Internet where they cut ordinary glass with ordinary scissors under water. And there were dozens of comments under the video. Some said it works, others said it was all nonsense. Naturally, in the spirit of mythbusters, I decided

Unusual uses of toothpaste

Toothpaste protects teeth and the entire oral cavity from unwanted diseases, inflammation and other unnecessary nonsense. But the use of toothpaste does not end there. Toothpaste has many other beneficial properties that are sure to be put to good use.

Office stash

On the table, among papers, binders and other office supplies, there is a binder folder that does not attract attention in any way. No one will even realize that there are far from paper documents there. . .

How to easily sharpen a knife

How to sharpen a knife when there is no sharpening wheel, sandpaper or other goodies at hand with which you could sharpen a dull knife? Believe me, there is something for sharpening a knife in almost every kitchen. . .

Vacuuming without smelling dust

If you own an inexpensive vacuum cleaner, then you know that when it is running, the room is filled with the smell of dust.This happens because the vacuum cleaner filter cannot cope with small dust particles and instead of eliminating them, they do the opposite.

Electro-chemical engraving on a knife

Electrochemical engraving is very simple. It will not require you to know any peaks in the field of chemistry or physics. Anyone can make it, and the necessary ingredients are available in every home. With this engraving method, you can apply a design without

DIY soldering extractor

When working with a soldering iron, many different compounds are released that float in the air, which naturally do not have a beneficial effect on human health. Most radio amateurs work in enclosed spaces and often literally breathe in these harmful pollutants.

Drill for circuit boards

Many novice radio amateurs often experience problems with drilling printed circuit boards. To solve this problem, I can recommend making this device. This is nothing more than a homemade mini drill for circuit boards. . .

Laser installation with the effect of "liquid sky"

The theme of home disco is not new for our site. Today we will talk about another simple laser installation with the “liquid sky” effect.

Wheel lighting - LED neon

Anyone can make this awesome LED light for their bike with their own hands. There is no trick, and the result exceeds all expectations. . .

Key ring

This is such a cute, and most importantly simple, keychain that anyone can make. We will only need two different colored ropes. . .

What if there are no color LEDs?

It often happens that you don’t have color LEDs at hand. But you can find a way out of any situation. For example, make colored LEDs from white LEDs. . .

Large fan from coolers

In the fight against heat, all means are good. Here I will give you an idea on how to make a fairly powerful fan from coolers.

Bike rack

Anyone can make such a wonderful bicycle stand. It's just a bike holder. Agree - leaning a bicycle on the wall is not as good as it seems - it often falls and the kickstand does not always save you. . .

Mobile phone holder

This irreplaceable trinket will help you get rid of a number of minor problems associated with charging your cell phone battery. I think there is no point in talking about these problems: the cord is too short or long, the connection is unreliable

Free air conditioning

Yes, the summer was a success, it’s not too hot for a child. There is nowhere to hide. At home the temperature confidently reaches 50 degrees Celsius! What to do ? Normal air conditioners are expensive, and they consume a lot of energy. There is a way out, of course it’s not great,

How to get rid of sunburn

The method of getting rid of sunburn is extremely simple and effective. This method was recommended to me by my friend, who works as a nurse and therefore she knows what I’m talking about. I hope this method will help you too. By the way, this is one of the most effective


You can decorate your computer, refrigerator, etc. with stickers. Making a sticker with your own hands is not that difficult, which is what I will actually try to prove to you.I have already published a similar article with the title - you don’t know how to write it off. . . In general, the essence is approximately

Air conditioner

Summer is in full swing. But many homes or offices, unfortunately, do not have air conditioning, and therefore you have to sit and swelter in the heat. Here in the article I will give you three designs of varying complexity on how to make an air conditioner with your own hands. . .