Free air conditioning

Yes, the summer was a success, it’s not too hot for a child. There is nowhere to hide. At home the temperature confidently reaches 50 degrees Celsius! What to do ? Normal air conditioners are expensive, and they consume a lot of energy. There is a solution, of course it’s not great, but the effect is significant! And the energy it consumes is almost zero. The principle of thisair conditioner It’s simple to the point of madness and there’s no need for scarce parts.
Let's first talk about how it works and how it works.
Everything is simple - in the picture there is a water radiator, with a fan at the back. Cold water is connected to the radiator, which flows through it, thereby cooling it. In turn, the fan drives air through the radiator, thereby cooling it.
The principle is clear.
But you ask - where can you get cold water?
Answer: from your water supply system.
Next in order. The most scarce thing is a radiator or heat exchanger.

I couldn't find a decent one and decided to build it myself. I took the tool:

I needed copper tubes and galvanized plates

Then they were soldered by me into such a radiator, the diameter of the tubes is quite large, which is important!

Next, I connected the hoses tightly - there is still pressure!

I live at home.A pump pumps water from the well. I connected a radiator between the pump and consumers.

That's all ! We check the water temperature - 9 degrees Celsius!!! Perfect.

Well, now the temperature in the room does not rise above 25! True, the windows now need to be closed so that the cold does not come out.
The radiator can be anything. For example, a car. . . Well, as for the fan, I think you can figure it out for yourself. . . As they say, as long as it blows :-)

 Thank you. Good luck !

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Comments (10)
  1. shurikpro
    #1 shurikpro Guests 3 January 2013 15:08
    Good idea. Pump power + fan + operating time: how many kilowatts per day will it be?
  2. Guest Vladimir
    #2 Guest Vladimir Guests 26 February 2018 14:06
    And the water that comes out of the radiator, where does it go into the pit? Bad idea.
    1. Guest Yuri
      #3 Guest Yuri Guests April 27, 2018 11:33
      connects to a water pipe break, so there is no hole. But as a result, it only works if there is water flow in the house
      1. Dmitriy
        #4 Dmitriy Guests 26 July 2018 17:35
        The author forgot to mention the condensation that will form on the radiator.
  3. Forest
    #5 Forest Guests 2 June 2018 18:48
    I also wanted to make a similar system, but it all came down to the lack of a radiator, and the supply and drainage of water is also not so simple.
    I made it simpler - I pulled gauze in front of the fan, and lowered the ends into a pan of water. The room became cooler by 3-4 degrees due to the evaporation of water.
  4. Vitaly
    #6 Vitaly Guests July 8, 2018 09:09
    I was also thinking about such a system. Water can be pumped into a container for irrigation; in hot weather the consumption is high. It’s even better, if the water in the area is not deep (no more than 7-8 meters), drill another well, siphon the system and drive the water through the well-pump-radiator-well. In this case, a 60 W heating circulation pump will be sufficient. The fan is also 30-40 watts. Respect to the author, but making a radiator yourself is masochism! In addition, copper + galvanization on a wet radiator will give terrible electrical and chemical corrosion. automobile - that's it!!!
  5. Guest Andrey
    #7 Guest Andrey Guests July 23, 2018 04:22
    I have a well, and in order not to force the well pump, I want to put a cubic tank for water in the basement, and into it a coil connected in parallel through taps to the heating system, when switching the taps, the circulation pump through the heating radiators will not drive hot water, but from the coil, cold water, thereby cooling the house, but this is all just in plan
  6. Guest
    #8 Guest Guests August 27, 2018 00:55
    It turned out to be an ordinary fan coil unit, only instead of a chiller there was a well or a water supply system. Far from being a cheap pleasure to operate - it consumes water and electricity, and is clumsy to manufacture :-)
  7. Guest Alexander
    #9 Guest Alexander Guests 12 July 2019 08:22
    About 25 years ago I already made a similar air conditioner. I took a radiator that was lying around from my godfather at the service center, connected the hoses in the bathroom, turned on the floor fan and woke up covered in snot. The temperature in the apartment dropped by 7-8 degrees, fortunately there were no water meters at that time...
  8. Alexander
    #10 Alexander Guests 11 August 2022 13:51
    The water bill during the season will be included in the cost of a regular split, + septic tank pumping if the house does not have a central sewer system. So-so idea..