Useful and interesting. Page 32

Master classes:

How to restore the shaft under the oil seal of a washing machine

If the washing machine drum begins to hum when turning, then it’s time to change the bearings and seal. This can be done at home.

How to tie a paracord cord to a backpack so that it unravels in a second

It is customary to braid the straps and handles of a tourist backpack, as well as the handles of a hiking tool, with paracord cord. In this form, it does not take up space, but is always at hand. When a rope is needed, you just need to untie it and

How to sew a hole with a hidden seam using tape

A torn sweater or other clothing can be sewn up so that the repair area is completely invisible. It's not difficult to learn.

Lifehack for quickly untying knots

If there are tight knots in the rope or cord that cannot be undone, then try the following advice. It will help even in the most hopeless cases.

How to drain gasoline without swallowing it: A bulb from a PET bottle onto a hose

To avoid sucking liquid into it with your mouth when draining through the hose, it can be equipped with a bulb made from a PET bottle. It is simply irreplaceable when it is necessary to drain fuel, water from the aquarium and in other cases when drinking liquid is undesirable.

How to pump water out of a pool in seconds without a pump

Frame pools and garden ponds must be drained before winter to maintain the integrity of the film, and this also has to be done periodically when replacing dirty or blooming water. If the farm does not have a pump, this can be done by gravity through

How to give a second life to soap debris

I don't like throwing away things that can still be useful. If possible, I process it and use it further. This happens with thinning pieces of soap. A thin plate is not very practical and is usually thrown into the trash. But

An ancient way to remove any stains from white linen

Yellowed and stained white linen can be restored by soaking it in laundry soap and potassium permanganate. This is a hypoallergenic method that works 100%.

Repairing a leaky sole with a car tire

If the sole of your favorite pair of shoes is cracked or worn out, then you can glue an indestructible pad cut from an ordinary car tire onto it. Such repairs will extend the life of your sneakers or sneakers for years until they break.

How to quickly and easily untie a knot on a plastic bag

A tight knot on a bag often just has to be cut off or torn off. This is not a problem when its contents are fully used. If you need to tie the bag back, you can undo the tightened knot by using a simple

How to wash and bleach a plastic window sill from any stains

The PVC window sill has a rough surface, so it holds stains very well. To wash it, you have to scrub it with a sponge for half an hour with an aggressive, chemical-smelling detergent. Deal with floral stains and marks

How to make a powerful pump with two motors from cans

If you have a couple of motors from cordless tools lying around in your workshop, you can use them to make a powerful water pump. It is useful where there is no power supply, as it can be powered by a battery. You can use it to water your lawn,

How to accurately determine the diameter of a thin wire or fishing line without a micrometer

When purchasing an electrical wire, it may turn out that its actual core cross-section is less than the declared one. This must be determined in advance before electrical installation, since such a core will not reach the required rated current. It's easy to do when you have it at hand

How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

The lack of a cellar or basement is a big problem for gardeners, since the harvested crop has to be frozen or processed into home canning. When you try to store it in a warm pantry, everything quickly rots, sprouts or withers.

How to make a penny pipe cutter from PVC pipes and for PVC pipes

In order for the cut sewer pipe to fit into the socket, it must be chamfered. As a result, preparing each trim takes time. If you make a pipe cutter of this design, then each piece will immediately have a chamfer.

Assembling a mini compressor with a receiver from a fire extinguisher

For use on the road or in a small workshop, you can make a lightweight, compact mini compressor. It will be able to work with any equipment similar to large compressors, although it will have lower performance, but for many it will be enough

Now nothing will get confused. Method for storing sewing thread in a PET bottle

When storing threads in a box, they constantly unwind and get tangled. As a result, it takes a long time to untie the knots. If you switch to storing threads in a bottle, you won’t have any more problems with them.

How to cut a car tire into thin strips and where to use it

An old car tire can be cut into thin strips. They are an excellent replacement for rope or cable. The stripes are also useful when weaving garden furniture.

2 useful tools from one worn step drill

Sharpening dull step drills is not at all easy, so many people prefer to replace them. In this case, the old tool can be converted into 2 useful devices for the workshop.

How to make eternal flip flops from an old tire

Motorcycle or car tires can be used to make virtually indestructible homemade flip-flops. It’s not easy to do them the first time, but with experience it will take less and less time.

How to get an early potato harvest

Sprouting potatoes is a reliable way to speed up the harvest. Therefore, if you like “young” potatoes, be sure to use the following simple method, which consists of germinating and planting seeds early.

The stove is like new. How to clean the oven, burners and grate from dried carbon deposits

Nobody likes to wash the oven or burners, so due to infrequent cleaning, they become covered with an impenetrable layer of soot and dried-on grease that no scraper can handle. In this regard, you need to use very effective household chemicals.

If you store garlic this way, not a single head will spoil until the next harvest.

A common problem is that already from mid-winter half of the garlic turns into dust, rots or sprouts. As a result, it would seem that with large reserves in the fall, in the spring you have to buy more garlic in the store. If you store your harvest

How to make a receiver for an airbrush compressor from aerosol cans

To prevent pulsating air supply from the compressor, a receiver must be installed between it and the airbrush. With it, the paint will be sprayed evenly, in addition, the engine will be able to work with long pauses, and not hum continuously.