Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 336

Master classes:

Natural freshener

Everyone likes it when their apartment, office or any other room has a pleasant smell. This can be achieved with the help of a store-bought air freshener, which comes in different varieties and is sold everywhere. However, today I want to tell you about what is good,

Hairpin "Calla lilies"

To make this hairpin you will need satin ribbons, scissors, a clip, yellow braid, a lighter or candle, glue and a hairpin. You need to tie a knot on the edge of the braid and cut off a piece of 2.5 cm. You need to prepare 5 such pieces.

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

Liquid wallpaper in a modern interior

How you want to return home and find yourself in a cozy and warm room away from the noisy streets. Thanks to liquid wallpaper, achieving such perfection is quite simple.This wallpaper has significant advantages over other types of wallpaper. They're great

Unattractive notepad

Probably, many people have some uninteresting notebook or notebook in their closet or shelf that they don’t want to use just because of its boring appearance. Today I want to share with you a recipe for how to transform an old

Upgrading an energy-saving lamp to LED No. 2

The topic of converting or upgrading failed fluorescent (energy-saving) lamps into LED lamps has been raised more than once. May the authors of these articles forgive me, but most of the proposed options are ineffective and certainly not aesthetically pleasing.

Chamomile made from uninflated balloons

Balloons are strongly associated with childhood and holidays and carry an amazing aura of magic. Once you inflate it, the house immediately becomes more cheerful and bright. But the life of an inflated balloon is, unfortunately, short. Therefore, abroad is huge

Chair restoration

I have had a chair in my dacha for a long time, since my grandmother’s time. I always really liked it, and then I came up with a plan for its restoration. Moreover, recently “vintage” has become increasingly important. Then I decided to move

Wine cork keychain

From seemingly completely unnecessary things in everyday life, sometimes you can make a very original and useful thing. Today we will make a keychain from a wine cork with our own hands. The beauty of this craft lies in its simplicity and originality.

Contrast bracelet

Making a beautiful, original piece of jewelry for your hand on your own is not very difficult. I offer a version of my bracelet made of patent leather. Follow the description. Required materials: 1. two small pieces of patent leather - one white, one red

Top shelf for car

The UAZ-31512 car was produced in Soviet times; there was no talk then about the comfort of a car designed for walking through forests. That is why the owners of this car decide on modifications of various kinds: someone puts

Dot painting of a clock made from a vinyl record.

Spot painting is a simple technique for decorating interior items that does not require drawing skills. We will turn an ordinary record into an original and colorful watch. For work we will need: 1. Vinyl record. 2. Contours by

T-shirt update

In this MK I want to show how to update, make more wearable and attractive, a thing that no longer meets our requirements. It often happens that the inscriptions on T-shirts that we like and force us to make purchases, after several

Japanese hair decoration - kanzashi

Recently, kanzashi jewelry has become fashionable not only in the countries of the rising sun, but also in many European countries, women have become interested in the art of creating jewelry from satin ribbons. There are many techniques for folding tape to

Wood for earrings

There are so many interesting and funny things in the world that sometimes there is no time to be sad, but if you have time for such a not very rewarding task, then you should do something useful. Despite all the things that you can redo: and the dust

Bouquet of flowers with sweets

Sometimes we all want to give something extraordinary to our children and see the delight in their eyes. But what exactly should we choose? Well, of course, all kids love sweets. So let's create a sweet masterpiece! But don't be scared right away. Cook for us

Disposable cup

Sometimes there are situations when you and your friends bought some kind of cool drink, but there is nothing to drink it from. It's a little unhygienic for everyone to drink from a bottle. In this case, if you have paper on hand, you can easily and quickly

Decorations for a wedding car

Nowadays, wedding preparation is a successful business. The newlyweds are offered all possible accessories and decorative elements, many of which are not made in the best way, but are very expensive. Some newlyweds don't

Textile dog

Childhood is a very important and special time. While the child is small, you can quickly and easily teach him anything. You can start, as they say, from the cradle and you don’t have to worry about it being difficult for your child. If we present training in the form

Educational knitted dog

All children love bright toys. It is especially interesting when such a toy looks like one drawn with colored pencils.Today we will learn how to make just such an unusual, fun and very useful toy for your child. For the manufacture of

“Milk porridge” mode in the POLARIS multicooker

So, having heard enough from my friends and acquaintances that this is a miracle device, I decided to keep up with them and also acquire this miracle machine. In general, I chose and chose, choosing a multicooker from POLARIS. This model cost relatively within

Hot smoked fish with stuffing

Getting hot smoked fish at home is not at all a difficult task, and the advantages of a natural product with excellent taste and original smell, and the absence of popular chemicals (liquid smoke) are undeniable. For cooking

Banquette for storing small items

Tell me, dear readers, have you thought, when throwing plastic soda bottles into the trash bin, that you are throwing away not only money, but also wonderful material that could add comfort and

LED daylight lamp

Deciding to keep up with the times and save my money in the future, I decided to make some useful innovation. Or rather, convert lamps with fluorescent lamps into lamps with LED lamps. Long service life, saving