Bouquet of flowers with sweets

Sometimes we all want to give something extraordinary to our children and see the delight in their eyes. But what exactly should we choose? Well, of course, all kids love sweets. So let's create a sweet masterpiece! But don't be scared right away. We don't have to cook anything. I suggest we create this masterpiece using crepe paper and any candy of your choice. And we’ll call it “Bouquet with a surprise.” The bouquet is most suitable as a gift for girls.

So, I chose Kinders for a sweet surprise. You can choose any other option that suits your child.
For work we will need:
- corrugated paper;
- scissors;
- basket;
- a small piece of foam plastic;
- double-sided adhesive tape;
- sticks;
- stapler;
- 5 kinder surprises;
- transparent film for decoration;
- ribbon for bow.

Necessary materials

So, let's get to work.
1. Let's prepare the base. We took a wicker basket, but you can choose absolutely any stand, including making a box with your own hands. Our basket is round in shape, so we cut out the foam according to the shape of the bottom and glue it with double-sided tape.Just don't try to stick it with glue, because any glue turns the foam into mush. The base is ready.

wicker basket


cut the foam to the shape of the bottom

2. Now let's start making flower petals.
To do this, we need to cut out squares measuring 15x15 cm from corrugated paper. Don't be afraid if the edges don't turn out very smooth. We won't need them anyway. We will roll the squares into rolls.

glue it

For one flower we need 6 squares. We roll one of them into a triangle, and from the remaining 5 we make rolls. To help, I chose a hard hot glue stick. But if you have smaller sweets, then also reduce the size of the square sheets of corrugated paper, and then the most ordinary pencil will help you to roll the rolls.
So, don’t wrap the leaf completely around the pencil, not tightly. Then, use your fingers to squeeze it around the edges. We got a compressed roll. Remove it from the pencil.

material for flowers

6 squares

regular pencil

3. Now let's arrange the flowers.
We glue pieces of double-sided tape onto the end of the stick (in our case, these are barbecue skewers). I pasted 2 each so that the contact area of ​​the tape with the kinder was larger and so that it would not come off. Glue the sweet surprise to the stick.

Glue a sweet surprise to a stick

wrap the sweets

Then, we wrap the sweetness in a pre-prepared triangle. This triangle will serve as our first petal. Afterwards, we glue the petals one by one along the edges.

wrap the sweets

wrap the sweets

wrap the sweets

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

When we have glued all the petals, at the bottom, near the connection with the stick, we secure everything with a stapler. Here we have our first flower.

corrugated paper bouquet

We use the same principle to make all other flowers.

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

4. Collecting a bouquet.
We stick the resulting flowers into our base. In order for them to hold together better and not fall apart, we also glue them together with double-sided tape.

corrugated paper bouquet

We decorate the bottom of the basket with a piece of corrugated paper, thereby covering the foam. In the middle of the composition you can put a small soft toy, or any other present. I don’t have a gift, but to complete the composition, I glued “cheerful girl” stickers to the same skewer. It turned out very nice too.

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

5. The finishing touch.
We glue our rhinestones onto some of the petals and wrap the basket of flowers in transparent film. I used film for flowers.

corrugated paper bouquet

corrugated paper bouquet

bouquet in a basket

Ready bouquet


You can make such a gorgeous sweet surprise not only for your children. You can also do it with your child, for example, as a gift for a classmate or just as a gift for a friend.
Delight your loved ones with pleasant gifts made by yourself. After all, now you can buy anything. But a handmade gift will bring much more pleasant emotions and express your love.

DIY corrugated paper flowers

DIY flowers from corrugated paper
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