Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 301

Master classes:

Doll made of woolen threads

A doll is not just a toy. A doll is also an attribute that plays an important role in various rituals. Wool dolls, for example, are often used at spring festivals. Kids in kindergartens and schools hang them on trees,

Headband “Blue wave”

The kanzashi technique is unique, because thanks to it you can create endlessly and get new flowers every time. You can choose a combination of color and shape for yourself, from large lapis flowers to a neat harmonious bouquet. If you appreciate discreet

Rosette made of mastic

The celebration is coming very soon, and you want to surprise your guests with something? Or better yet, should this “something” be made with your own hands? Then you've come to the right place! In this master class you will learn how to decorate a cake with beautiful roses from mastic,

Decoupage champagne bottle

If you want to decorate your holiday table or if you want to make an original and inexpensive gift, then pay attention to this master class.We hope you find it informative and interesting. Today we invite you to make decoupage

Smeshariki from dough

Often when you cook dumplings or dumplings, a little dough remains. Don’t forget to recycle the unnecessary lump if you have children - this is an excellent material for creating a colorful picture with the characters of your favorite cartoon.

Corrugated paper rosebud

Corrugated paper has its own special properties, thanks to which it can be used to make charming flowers that will be an excellent imitation of living specimens. Material: - thick corrugated paper in the following tones: green and


The New Year 2015 will soon come, which, according to the Eastern horoscope, will be symbolized by the sign of the Blue Sheep. We give an example of a handmade toy that can be used as decoration (for example, in a salon

Remote switch for camera

In recent years, lines of household appliances have begun to be updated more and more quickly. Our favorite toys, phones, smartphones, and other gadgets are becoming obsolete more and more quickly. While doing amateur photography, I came across a problem that I needed to solve.

Wedding glass

A wedding is the most special day in everyone's life. A wedding ceremony is always decorated with various accessories; wedding glasses occupy one of the most important places on the newlyweds’ table, so special attention is paid to them. Nowadays more and more

Picture from ordinary napkins

Trimming is a fascinating form of creativity.An original work is created from ordinary paper napkins, which looks very impressive in the interior. Trimming requires the simplest materials that can be found in any home. For work

Hardcover photo book

Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to have photo books in your home archive instead of regular photo albums. On the one hand, this is much more convenient, since you don’t need to waste time on selecting photos, printing them, and then arranging them. But in other way,

New Year's decor

New Year's fairs are perhaps the most visited departments of shopping centers. Starting from November, when these pavilions just open, and until December 31, people come here, wander through the labyrinths woven from garlands and fluffy pine branches, and buy

Bunny with a bow

If you have soft white fabric at home, sew it into a cute little bunny. To make a toy you need to prepare: - white fabric, for example, fleece or faux fur; - pink chintz fabric with a pattern; - padding polyester;

Multi-layer elastic bands in gray-pink color

The monotony of Chinese children's rubber bands is not to everyone's taste. If you have perseverance and are willing to spend a couple of hours decorating your hair with beautiful flowers on elastic bands, then this job is for you. Handmade things will always stand out

Corrugated paper lotus flower

It would seem like corrugated paper, what can be made from it? After all, it is quite soft and quickly deteriorates from moisture.But no, from this paper it is possible to make many interesting and beautiful things. For example, to make such a flower for you

Hairpin "Orange butterfly"

A butterfly is a symbol of tenderness, fragility and unique trepidation. Therefore, even jewelry using the image of a butterfly involuntarily possesses these qualities. To create such a decoration you should prepare: Material: -clematis fabric

Wedding pillow with rose

It’s hard to surprise anyone with a wedding in black and white. Newlyweds strive to make their holiday not only unforgettable, but also unique. Therefore, more and more often, celebrations are dedicated to some theme - sea, olive, birch. Young people with

Envelope "Happy Anniversary"

More and more often, when we go to congratulate our friends, relatives, girlfriends, parents on their name day, we literally begin to rack our brains. So what can you give that will be useful and enjoyable for the birthday boy? Any

Sheep made of polymer clay

Everyone knows very well and probably everyone is already looking forward to the coming of the next 2015 - the Year of the Sheep. This animal brings a lot of joy and good mood, so you need to greet it properly on New Year’s Eve. Festive

Notepad, sketchbook, notebook

Materials required for work: - 15 sheets of A4 format, - 1 sheet of thick A4 paper, - very thick cardboard (you can use a hard backing from an album, a box) size A4, - any fabric that you like, - threads for color

Volumetric paper ball

Despite the large number of modules, this voluminous ball is not difficult to assemble. The main thing is to be patient and do everything strictly according to the plan. The paper for the craft should be thick, then the ball will keep its shape well. To make such a ball, you

New Year's box

Necessary materials: - Whatman paper or cardboard, - Colored paper, - Satin ribbons, - Stationery knife, - Scissors, - Glue, - Pencil...

Christmas wreath

What will you need for work? - Flexible thin branches (they can remain after autumn cleaning and pruning bushes in the garden) - Thread in the color of wood (not too thick, threads for sewing are also suitable) - Thick thread (light color or white) - Satin

Autumn card

To make such a card you don’t even need scrapbooking paper, we’ll do everything ourselves and have a lot of fun! Materials needed for work: - Base for a postcard (thick paper, cardboard, whatman paper), - Small