Corrugated paper rosebud

Corrugated paper has its own special properties, thanks to which it can be used to make charming flowers that will be an excellent imitation of living specimens.

Corrugated paper rosebud

To make such a bud you will need for work:
- thick corrugated paper in the following tones: green and pink.
- wire.
- a small lump of cotton wool.
- scissors.
- tweezers.

Making a flower. First of all, from a piece of pink corrugated paper you need to use scissors and a ruler to cut out a regular rectangle with sides of 6x7 cm, it is important to make sure that the part is not skewed.


Then you need to round the two top corners and mark the pointy top at the center.

Making a flower

Now you should cut 15 cm from the prepared fishing line. You need to take one edge of the resulting piece and bend it around your finger, creating a small ring and freeing your hand to secure the wire in this form.

Making a flower

Next, on the pink part in its middle, you need to place a ring of wire and a small piece of cotton wool. It is needed to obtain the fullness of the bud and facilitate its creation.Now you need to use the right rounded corner to wrap the cotton wool and wire folded in the center. At the intersection of the cotton wool and the paper, you need to slightly stretch it.

Making a flower

After this, you should make the same fold, but on the other side.

Making a flower

Next you need to fold the bottom part of the resulting bud very tightly. To do this, it is best to twist the paper around the wire with your fingers, the tighter the better.

Making a flower

Now you can start creating leaves. To do this, you need to cut out a large rectangle from green corrugated paper, the sides of which will be 6x9 cm.

Making a flower

Next along the longest side of this part you need to make many zigzag cuts.

Making a flower

After this, you need to wrap the prepared foliage around the base of the made bud. The lower part should also be tightened tightly and, to ensure secure fastening, it is better to tighten it with wire.


From the remaining piece of green paper you need to make a straight strip 3 cm wide and about 15 cm long and wrap it around the wire. Using this strip, you need to cover the base of the bud and gradually wrap the wire at a 45 degree angle, creating a flower stem.

You need to carefully twist the long parts of the leaves that touch the bud with your fingers.

Corrugated paper rosebud

Now the rosebud is ready. These flowers can be used to make a very attractive bouquet!

Corrugated paper rosebud
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