Corrugated paper tulips

corrugated paper tulips

Flowers made from corrugated paper turn out very beautiful. They look gentle and sophisticated, as if they were real. Looking at photos of such flowers on the Internet, some of us think: “I will never be able to do that.” But who said that creating something beautiful is difficult? Making tulips from corrugated paper yourself is very easy! This will only take 10 - 15 minutes.
You can create a bouquet of such flowers together with your children. They will certainly be captivated by the process of work, especially since they won’t have to wait long for an excellent result of their work. This is suitable for restless babies.

Materials and tools:
green and pink corrugated paper;
  • green and pink corrugated paper;
  • 5 disposable plastic spoons;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

corrugated paper tulips

We cut the pink corrugated paper into shreds of approximately 12 by 12 cm, and the green paper into leaves in a shape resembling a triangle with convex sides. For 1 tulip you will need 5 spoons, 5 pink shreds and 3 green leaves.
corrugated paper tulips

Place each spoon diagonally on a pink sheet and carefully wrap it.
corrugated paper tulips

You will get 5 petals.
corrugated paper tulips

Next, we fold the spoons in the following sequence: first we take 2 of them, fold them “facing” each other, as shown in the photo. We fold the remaining three petals around. Secure the bud with tape.
corrugated paper tulips

corrugated paper tulips

Carefully wrap the resulting workpiece with three green leaves, which can also be secured with tape or tied with a small piece of corrugated paper.
corrugated paper tulips

corrugated paper tulips

corrugated paper tulips

We have created a nice, cozy bouquet of tulips that can refresh any interior or become a nice little gift for a loved one.
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