Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 277

Master classes:

Envelope for a newborn boy

The birth of a boy in any family is a very great joy, which relatives, friends and relatives want to share with the young parents. Everyone prepares gifts not only for parents, but first of all for the newborn boy. WITH

Second life of a shabby sofa

Life does not stand still, and all things deteriorate over time and take on an unkempt appearance. Prices for goods are also growing rapidly, and the financial capabilities of our compatriots do not always allow them to update their wardrobe or

How to make a paper crow

Children's acquaintance with birds begins in preschool age. The crow is found in fairy tales and stories. The kid sees these birds on the street. And if the child is already familiar with origami skills, then he can easily make a crow out of paper.

How to clean a car engine yourself

The engine, like all car parts, is susceptible to contamination.The outer surface of the motor should be cleaned periodically to prevent the motor from overheating. You can clean the outside of the engine with the help of car wash specialists, but you can also

Making omiyage

To make an omiyage, the Japanese national bag for candies and other sweets, 3 types of fabric are required as the main fabric and 1 as the lining. Typically, cotton or linen fabrics are used. For main fabrics choose

Bell with bouquet

My friend works at school as a primary school teacher. This year she is recruiting new guys and is already looking forward to September 1st. Surely, her students will bring many bouquets of autumn flowers in addition to a sweet souvenir. What about the bouquet?

Sand painting

Creating paintings is a very labor-intensive process and not everyone can do it. An alternative could be a painting created with sand. This kind of creativity will really appeal not only to adults, but also to children. For work you will need: - preparing a drawing on

Various ways to level brick walls

As a rule, during a major renovation the question arises about leveling the walls. Unfortunately, there is not always a flat surface ready for further work. And sometimes the owner of the premises simply decides to make a new renovation from scratch. Offered

Master class on laying cinder block walls

Before you start building walls, you need to make a foundation for them. In this case, it is a strip foundation, which was previously leveled with brickwork. The first step is to clear the foundation of debris. To level out unevenness on

Decorating an old coffee table

Do you often change something in your life? Most likely, many will answer this question in the negative. And completely in vain! Sometimes even a small detail can work wonders: fill life with meaning, create a positive mood, and even

Dog toy bag

Our little girls love to be like adults. And for this they simply need an accessory such as a handbag. And so that it is not boring, I will tell you how to make it in the form of a soft toy - a poodle. It will not just be a place where

Repair of digital television set-top box

The fleet of analogue TVs is rather reluctant to give way to digital equipment, gradually taking “second” places - in the kitchen, in offices, garage workshops, etc. At the same time, DVB-T2 set-top boxes are also carried. Advantages

Backgrounds for your creativity

You can easily find a replacement for expensive scrap paper from the store. Let's look at some interesting options for turning simple sheets of paper into colorful and interesting backgrounds for decorating postcards, albums, smashbooks and art books. And we will need the most

Organizer for needlewomen

An organizer is an extremely convenient and sometimes simply irreplaceable thing for those who are engaged in creativity or handicrafts. It allows you to store different tools and art materials in order and, just as importantly, in one permanent place, which

Keychain in the shape of an animal with embroidery

What materials will be needed for this? - Textile.Absolutely any, you probably have unnecessary scraps of fabric lying around somewhere. In this master class, denim fabric, which used to be jeans, was used. - Multi-colored thread remnants. Here

Fans with roses made of corrugated

This interior composition is made of delicate and romantic shades. This fan will be an excellent gift for friends and family. But it can also be a wonderful decoration in the interior of your home. For work we will need: - skewers. -

Decorating a gift with origami flowers

Surprise your friends and decorate the gift with flowers that you made yourself. The packaging will not require a lot of money, and your loved one will be pleased to receive something extraordinary. So, what do we need: • the gift itself (box); •

Bracelet made of felt and floss in ethno style

With today's variety and availability of materials for needlework, making jewelry with your own hands is not only simple, but also very exciting. For a bracelet with ethnic-style patterns, you will need multi-colored felt and floss threads. I made a bracelet

Felt bracelet with bead pattern

Felt is an excellent material for needlework. It is soft, dense, does not fray, does not tear and looks beautiful. Felt makes interesting and original decorations. For example, a bracelet in a nautical style, which is perfect as an accessory to

Laying tiles on electric heated floors

Laying the flooring is one of the final stages of renovation work.Specifically, there is no clear framework in what sequence the construction process should be carried out, and whether laying the flooring will be the final stage or not. But,

Cork wobbler

The hot summer begins to lose its strength. Very soon the temperature will drop a little and the long-awaited autumn will come, when fishermen will take up their spinning rods. A huge number of baits will fly into the expanses of water, with only one purpose -

Eggshell frame

There is probably no refrigerator in which chicken eggs do not lie on a special shelf. Over time, they will turn into an omelet, scrambled eggs, eggnog, or become an ingredient in some salad. What about the shell? It will go in the trash can. But we won't

Airy beaded bracelet

It turns out that you can crochet not only clothes, but also jewelry. No special skills are required for this. You just need to know how to crochet a regular chain. This bracelet can be made in completely different ways, you can make it thin or

Pocket winter fishing rod

Greetings to all ice fishing lovers who are ready to quit their household chores even in the most severe frosts and go to the pond to catch a couple of perches. Today I want to suggest making your own pocket fishing rod for ice fishing.