Decorating a gift with origami flowers

Surprise your friends and arrange present with flowers you made yourself. The packaging will not require a lot of money, and your loved one will be pleased to receive something extraordinary.
So, what do we need:
• the gift itself (box);
• material for flowers (double-sided colored or wrapping paper);
• a regular sheet of A4 paper (to practice);
• ruler, pencil (marker), scissors;
• double-sided tape or heat gun.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

If you have never made flowers before, I advise you to practice on plain paper so as not to spoil the material intended for the “finish” version.
How to make a flower-origami, step-by-step instruction
1) Take a sheet of paper and cut out a rectangle from it. We fold the resulting workpiece twice diagonally.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We turn the leaf over.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

Fold it in half twice.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

2) Unfold the rectangle back and place it with the folds facing up.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We take the edges marked with crosses with our index finger and thumb.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We bring the index fingers to the forefinger, the thumb to the thumb, holding the paper. You should get what is shown in the picture.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

Next, we grab the back edge and combine it with the left edge, and the front edge with the right. The result is a double rhombus.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

3) Bend the corners towards the center.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We turn the entire product over from right to left and bend the corners in the same way.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

4) We have outlined the fold lines, now we straighten the corners back.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

Raise the top part.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

The painted areas along the previously made fold line must be “tucked” inward.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

decorate a gift with origami flowers

Turn the product over and repeat.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

5) Lifting up the corner closest to you, straighten the paper.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

decorate a gift with origami flowers

6) Bend the upper corner to the center twice and straighten it back.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We take the shaded triangles from the back side and, holding the point of intersection of the lines, bend them towards the center.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

Bend the folded triangle to the left.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

7) Turn the product over from right to left, repeat step 6. The result is the following: drawing.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

decorate a gift with origami flowers

8) Grab the marked corners and pull them towards you. Let's see.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We repeat point 6.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

In the figure we see the result.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

9) Place the product with the corners up and gradually disconnect the ribs.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

decorate a gift with origami flowers

10) We take the short “rays” in pairs and carefully (so as not to tear) stretch them to the sides, simultaneously compacting the middle of the product with our index finger.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

11) Turn the product over with the resulting stand facing down.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

We take the flower in our right hand so that the middle finger rests on the compacted area from step 10, and the thumb lies in the center of the product on top. We place the middle finger of the left hand at the bottom of one of the petals. Using the thumb of your left hand, we draw from the angular edge of the petal to the base, pushing the edges of the paper apart. After this, slightly bend the petal, holding its base with your middle and thumb. And so on with all 4 petals.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

So you have learned how to make an origami flower. Now all that remains is to cut out the required number of squares, fold them and stick them onto the gift with tape or using a heat gun.You can decorate the flowers with sparkles or beads, and attach other decorative elements to the gift itself so that the flowers do not look lonely.
I took three large squares: 21x21, 19x19, 15x15. And 8 small ones, size 9x9.

decorate a gift with origami flowers

decorate a gift with origami flowers

And finally: it is advisable not to make the squares too small, as it will be very difficult to fold them neatly.
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