The chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

To make a chicken dish tasty and beautiful, you need not only to use an excellent recipe, but also to properly cut the carcass into neat pieces. If you have a sharp knife, this is not at all difficult.

Step 1. Ham

The hams are always cut off first. It is enough to cut the skin, and they are easily separated to the joint. Then all that remains is to cut it and separate the leg from the carcass behind it.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

If you do not plan to cook a large ham, it can be divided into thigh and drumstick at the joint. To make the pieces more attractive, trim the edge of the thigh, removing pulled skin and fat.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

Step 2. Wings

The wings can be separated in different ways. The first method involves cutting the first and second phalanx along the joint without the shoulder, which will later allow you to get a breast with a bone. The first phalanx of the cut wing is removed. It is used for soup, and the second is great for barbecuing and frying in a frying pan.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

The traditional cutting method involves cutting the wing together with the shoulder at the joint. The first phalanx for soup is also cut off from it; the remaining large piece is suitable for baking.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

Step 3. Breast

French cuisine involves cooking breasts with bones. To separate it, you need to place a knife along the line of the chest ridge and make an incision to the fork bone, on which the shoulder is attached. The bone is cut along the joint along with the shoulder, and then separated with the breast. The French call this piece “supreme”.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

You can also cut the breast simply without the bone. The knife is guided along the line of the chest ridge, then under the frame. The result is a clean fillet. In this form, the breast is usually used without skin. It can be picked or carefully cut off along with the fat. The result is the most dietary meat.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

Step 4. Frame

The remaining frame, the so-called soup set, just needs to be divided in half so that it fits into the pan. If you are planning a dietary soup, fat is removed from it. The previously cut first phalanges of the wings are added to the frame.
A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

A chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

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Comments (1)
  1. Andrey Ivanitsky
    #1 Andrey Ivanitsky Guests 12 August 2020 15:02
    Pfffff...... me too......