Garden. Page 11

Master classes:

How to make a terrace table with cement swans

The range of ready-made street furniture in the budget segment in stores can rarely please you with something truly worthy. If you don't want to install a plastic table on your terrace, then this master class is for you. You can use it

A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings, which immediately leads to growth

To speed up the development of tomato seedlings, you need to stimulate them with special feeding. This is a completely natural organic composition that can be prepared at home. This fertilizer works very well on tomatoes and does not oversaturate the soil,

A root watering system made from a PET bottle will help plants and save you water.

Plants suffer from both lack of moisture and excess. To optimize watering of garden plants, there are various devices that can be successfully replaced with homemade ones.

Life hack for gardeners: Stimulating root formation of seedlings using succinic acid

All gardeners know that the quality of seedlings directly affects the future harvest of vegetables and the lush flowering of ornamental crops.The main indicators of the health of seedlings grown in early spring in greenhouse conditions are considered not only

Growing lettuce at home. Full report from seed selection to results

Lettuce, like many leafy vegetables, can be grown not only in the garden and in the greenhouse. Unpretentious herbs give good harvests even in a city apartment. And if you organize additional illumination of seedlings in cloudy weather in late autumn,

Life hack for gardeners: quickly planting carrots without thinning

Since carrot seeds are very small, they have to be sown rather than planted individually. As a result, the plants produce dense shoots and have to be thinned out. Thus, there is an overconsumption of seeds, and in addition, work is added on

Life hack for gardeners: Plant cucumbers under film and forget about watering for the whole season

Caring for garden beds is not easy work. Therefore, to make growing as easy as possible, you need to use different agricultural techniques. For example, it is possible to plant cucumbers under a film, which will allow you not to water them at all, while still getting healthy large plants,

How to make a garden flowerpot from motorcycle tires

Old used motorcycle tires are an excellent raw material for recycling. At home, they can be used to make outdoor flower pots. They are made with a minimal set of tools.

Heating candle with a burning period of 13 days for a tent or greenhouse

Candles that work like lamps burn for weeks. Since they emit heat, it is easy to assemble a heater on their base.As a result, it is possible to obtain a source of light and heat in one device.

How to make fertilizer, a pinch of which will make the stems of your plants strong and healthy

Orange and tangerine peels are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, as well as other micro and macroelements required for plant growth. Because of this, they can be used to make fertilizer. This is an effective, safe way to do

All the subtleties and secrets of properly planting tomatoes for seedlings

Every gardener dreams of growing tasty and juicy tomatoes on their plot. Compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will help to grow good seedlings that will not get sick and will give a rich harvest in the future. How high quality will the seedlings be?

A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

Summer residents and residents of the private sector are well aware of the problem of ant invasion. They not only breed aphids and gnaw young shoots of plants, but also often enter the home to feed themselves. You can get rid of this problem once and for all

An easy way to grow coriander hydroponically on your windowsill

At home, you can get a large harvest of greens when grown on a windowsill only using the hydroponics method. For many, this technique is “dark forest”. Hydroponics is avoided because it requires a lot of additional equipment. However there is

How to grow parsley on a windowsill in winter and summer. Step-by-step photo instructions with secrets

Growing parsley and other leafy vegetables on the windowsill of your own apartment is a useful and exciting activity.A mini garden, in which spicy plants grow all year round, allows you to meet the needs of a small family for succulent

How to quickly and easily root garlic using a PET bottle

If you missed the moment of planting garlic in the fall, then in the spring, in order to get the same powerful plants as those that overwintered, you can root them in one simple way. The cloves sprouted by it will eventually yield a rich harvest, no worse than winter garlic.

The idea of ​​a homemade greenhouse from PET bottles

To get the harvest early, greenhouses of different designs are used. If you have a lot of PET bottles accumulated, then you can use them to build it. Such a greenhouse transmits light very well, and at the same time does not have an excess of light inside.

How to make garden furniture from pallets

Regular pallets, which are sold on any classifieds website, can be used to make garden furniture. It's cheaper and easier than making tables and benches from boards. Furniture made from pallets looks very decent, and besides, it doesn’t have to be removed for

The easiest way to massively propagate roses. Advice from a professional gardener

Summer residents and gardeners vying with each other to praise their proven methods of propagating roses by cuttings. They all work, but most require a lot of attention to the cuttings and then the seedlings. There is a much simpler way.

5 tips that will prevent your seams from exploding

It is very disappointing if rolled up cans inflate and explode. The reason for this is a violation of canning technology. Let's look at 5 tips that, if followed, will eliminate such troubles.

Top 5 unusual ways to use tea leaves in caring for indoor and garden plants

In recent years, ecological fertilizer has become increasingly popular, that is, the use of old, proven and, above all, much safer methods of fertilizing. We have many opportunities and natural resources at our disposal,

Top 8 natural root stimulants

To speed up root formation and improve plant survival, many professionals and amateur gardeners use chemical rooting agents. However, if you are against the use of any substances other than natural ones, then you can use the gifts

How to use PET bottles to grow a supply of spinach for the whole year in a month and a half

Small plots in the suburbs have very little usable space to plant whatever you want. If you don’t have enough beds, then a lot can be grown on a portable stand under bottles, which is installed in any sunny place. This

Microgreens at home

In recent years, the popularity of microgreens among vegetarians and fans of healthy eating has increased sharply, especially during the cold season, when our quivering bodies need additional portions of vitamins. This product can be found at

All the secrets of quickly growing green onions on the windowsill

Juicy onion feathers contain many substances beneficial to the human body. According to experienced nutritionists, among the most valuable phytonutrients, onion greens contain vitamins (groups B, C, carotenoids, tocopherols), minerals, and