All the secrets of quickly growing green onions on the windowsill

Juicy onion feathers contain many substances beneficial to the human body. According to experienced nutritionists, among the most valuable phytonutrients in onion greens are vitamins (groups B, C, carotenoids, tocopherols), minerals, microelements, bioflavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils, antioxidants, organic acids, and food fibers.

That is why the inclusion of fresh onion leaves and other garden greens in the daily diet is vital for maintaining the health of all family members, especially during the cold season, when we all suffer from hypovitaminosis. And in order to season my favorite dishes every day with fresh onion feathers, cut immediately before consumption, from autumn to spring I force onions to grow greens, planting the sprouted heads in fertile soil right on my windowsill.

How I grow green onions at home: all the tips and time-tested recommendations

In my experience, bulbs placed in a nutritious substrate rich in organic matter and mineral salts produce one more harvest of greens than bulbs planted in plain water. That is, I cut leaves that have reached a height of 25-30 cm from the bulbs in the soil three times, and from those that grow white roots directly in the water - only twice. And the color of the feathers of plants growing in the ground, as well as the thickness of the leaves themselves, differ significantly for the better.

My secrets of forcing onions were mastered in practice over 2 seasons. Now the window sill of the insulated balcony is completely filled with trays of green onions from November until the beginning of spring, until seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables move there. Onions are not afraid of short-term frosts and can easily withstand a drop in night temperature to 0°C. Therefore, even in the Epiphany frosts, during which the temperature on the loggia dropped sharply to +2°C, I did not have to bring the plants indoors overnight.

Insect protection

Since the bulbs are in damp soil, midges can infest them. To prevent an unpleasant proximity to insects swarming over the windowsill, when planting, I immediately insert matches between the heads, plunging the sulfur into the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. Periodically, I remove the matches with dissolved sulfur and replace them with new ones.

Universal soil for a mini garden

As a substrate for forcing onions, I use a mixture of fertile soil from the garden and purchased soil based on low-lying peat with neutral acidity (1:1). And to enrich the earth with nutritional components and valuable microelements, for each liter of the mixture I add 2 tablespoons of sifted grass ash or wood ash from the fireplace.

Replacing bulbs with new ones

Bulbs planted in the ground produce feather growth within three to four months. It is possible that some specimens will exhaust their resource earlier, for example, after the first pruning of the vegetative mass, and dry out. I immediately throw away such heads, and immediately fill the free space with a suitable-sized onion from home supplies, preferably already sprouted or at least with swollen roots.

Features of planting a bow on a feather

When planting unawakened bulbs with a dry root collar and a dry root bottom, I always cut off the tops.

Before the procedure, I recommend soaking the planting material for a day in any growth stimulant, for example, in a solution of aloe extract (1 ampoule per 0.5 liters of water) or succinic acid (1 tablet per 1 liter of water). I plant hatched heads with seedlings or long feathers without preliminary trimming or soaking.

Watering and fertilizing onions on the windowsill

Once a month I water the green onions growing in the mini garden on the kitchen windowsill and glassed-in balcony with ash infusion, which in addition to potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium contains a complex of microelements (iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, boron, etc.). To prepare liquid fertilizer, I dilute 1-2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. sifted ash and infuse the liquid for 4 days, shaking the sediment daily with a spoon.

I do not recommend watering plants often, especially during rooting. The process of adaptation of bulbs in the ground can take up to 4 weeks, especially for unsprouted ones and with the tops cut off. During this period, the root system awakens, and moisture consumption occurs extremely slowly. Excess water in the ground can lead to the development of rotting processes.I moisten the soil in the planting trays after the top layer of the soil ball dries out (every 6-7 days).


The first time I cut it is when the height of the leaves of most bulbs reaches 30 cm, leaving a stump of no more than half a centimeter. In the future, I trim the greenery that continues to grow 2 more times (height from 20 to 25 cm). I add cut feathers to vinaigrette and other cold appetizers, and also pour them into plates with chicken broth, borscht, fish soup, cabbage soup and pea soup.

Let my experience inspire you to grow feather onions at home. I wish you success and a juicy harvest of greens in your mini garden!

Also be sure to read: A new super way to grow onions in bottles -

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