Sand painting

Creating paintings is a very labor-intensive process and not everyone can do it. An alternative could be a painting created with sand. This kind of creativity will really appeal not only to adults, but also to children.
To work you will need:
- preparation of a pattern on an adhesive basis,
- drawing template,
- sand of various colors.

Materials for work

You can make the blank yourself using double-sided tape. Sand can be purchased at a craft store or painted yourself. Ready-made kits with a template, base and all the necessary sand are now available for sale. This is a simple and enjoyable way to create a sand painting. More labor-intensive is creating everything yourself. For more comfortable work, it is recommended to glue the base to any cardboard. This is necessary for greater strength of the finished painting.

Base glued to cardboard

The principle of creating a picture is very simple. It is necessary to remove the protective film one by one from the base of only one color of interest to us.

Removing the film

Afterwards everything is covered with sand.

Area covered with sand

The sand in the areas with the film removed is gently pressed down with a finger to better secure the sand. When all areas have been pressed down, excess sand is removed by turning the painting over to a vertical position.

Removed excess sand

The leftovers can be saved for other paintings or other types of creativity. You can also throw them away.
This operation is performed with each color in turn.

Filled areas with a second color

The process of removing excess sand

Completely two ready-made colors

Finished work

There is no need to rush into work. Some tips for creating a painting:
1) It is better to glue the base with double-sided tape or, in extreme cases, with a glue stick. It is better not to use PVA. It will soften the base and the adhesive part will be removed along with the film.
2) To easily remove the film, you can use a stationery knife or tweezers to pick up the edges.
3) The finished painting can be coated with regular hairspray so that the grains of sand do not fall off and the painting will please the eye for a long time.
Such paintings look unusual and beautiful in any interior. You can frame them in ordinary frames and hang them on the walls.

Finished framed work

The work involves a lot of scattered sand on the table and floor. After work, it is better to go through the vacuum cleaner and collect the excess. Creativity is very simple and exciting. Accessible and interesting for children.
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