Cross-stitch the picture “Stripes”

As is known, embroidery The cross was very popular with our great-grandmothers, but modern girls also enjoy doing this needlework. The process of creating paintings with your own hands is interesting; for many it becomes not just a hobby, but also a favorite thing in life.
Today I invite all needlewomen to embroider a fairly simple cross-stitch picture with a children’s theme “Stripes”. Children will undoubtedly be delighted with the finished masterpiece, and such a painting will also perfectly decorate a child’s room.
To create the painting “Stripes” you will need: floss threads, a hoop, canvas, a diagram and scissors. Personally, I prefer to buy ready-made embroidery kits; all the contents of such a kit (except for the hoop) can be seen in the photo.

for the painting you will need

And for a hobby you will need a diagram, it is usually included with the kit, it can be seen in the photo.


In order to start embroidering, you will need to secure the canvas to the hoop; this must be done carefully, evenly stretching the fabric around the hoop.

secure the canvas

Since the canvas in this set is quite large, it is recommended to embroider the picture using four folds of thread.
You can start embroidery from the middle of the picture or from the end, as in the photo.

let's start embroidering

The second option is more convenient for me. All top stitches should be made in the same direction, so the finished painting will look more beautiful.
It is necessary to embroider a picture, adhering to the pattern, alternating colors, this can be seen in the photo.



If it turns out that you need to move the hoop, then you should do this carefully, carefully moving the fabric and re-attaching it to the hoop.


Next, you should embroider the picture “Stripes”, following the pattern, as seen in the photo.



Having finished completely cross-stitching, you need to perform the finishing touch - create a certain outline with black threads in the form of a dotted seam, as in the photo.

Cross stitch a picture

An adorable tiger cub surrounded by cheerful bees will undoubtedly become a favorite picture for your children.
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