Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

It is a pity that hard cheese manufacturers add vegetable fats and harmful additives to them. In order not to risk running into counterfeit cheese when buying cheese, it is better to prepare it at home. Take 30 minutes and you can get a natural product with a very pleasant taste.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour


  • cottage cheese with fat content from 5% – 2 kg;
  • milk 3.2% – 2 packages of 900 g;
  • butter – 90 gr.;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • olives;
  • greenery;
  • dried tomatoes;
  • dry garlic;
  • dry basil.

Cheese making process

Cottage cheese is poured into a saucepan and filled with milk.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

The mass is mixed and cooked over low heat until the whey separates, which will take 15-20 minutes.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

After separating the whey, you need to strain the cottage cheese through a colander with gauze folded in half. In about 10 minutes, all the liquid will drain and a dry mass will remain, weighing approximately 1.5 kg.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

The curd mass can be divided into 3 parts to make 3 different types of cheese. 1/3 tsp is added to each of them. salt, 30 gr. melted butter and 1 tsp. soda
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Then each part is prepared one by one. Boil water in a saucepan and place a bowl of cottage cheese on top. You need a water bath, that is, so that the bottom does not touch the water.Place medium heat on the stove and stir the mixture constantly. You need to melt it until it becomes homogeneous without lumps.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Olives cut into rings are added to the first part of the melted cottage cheese. For contrast, you can use green and black. The mass is poured into a plastic container and compacted with a silicone spatula. Then the container is covered with film, and after cooling to room temperature, it is transferred to the refrigerator.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

The second part of the cottage cheese must also be melted and 20 grams added. chopped greens. Parsley and dill will do, or anything else to suit your taste. Then the mass is poured into a container.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

In the third portion you can add dried tomatoes with garlic and basil. The more tomatoes, the richer the color. The main thing is not to overdo it with dry garlic.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

As a result, from 2 kg of cottage cheese you can cook 3 heads of 0.5 kg of excellent hard cheese with different tastes. They make a beautiful cheese platter that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to serve to your guests.
Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

Homemade hard cheese in half an hour

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Comments (5)
  1. Tanya
    #1 Tanya Guests 11 February 2021 17:21
    Why can’t you melt all the cottage cheese in a water bath at once and then divide it into 3 parts?
  2. Martha
    #2 Martha Guests 12 February 2021 14:55
    Even doesn't melt. Another fake? It's a pity for the kilos of cottage cheese....
    1. Tamara
      #3 Tamara Guests 12 February 2021 15:25
      It's melting, maybe they didn't add enough soda. I personally made it in a saucepan directly on the fire, without a water bath.
  3. Oleg
    #4 Oleg Guests 16 February 2021 20:15
    I made it, it tasted good, but it didn’t look like real hard cheese at all. Boiled is softer and there is no pronounced taste of real cheese
  4. Olga Forisyak
    #5 Olga Forisyak Guests 15 April 2021 19:53
    The cottage cheese must be at least 9%. It won’t work with 5%.