Life hack: how to properly store shoes so that they are like new after winter

“Preservation” of shoes for the season is a familiar procedure to all housewives. But, often, the boots are simply washed and put in a box until “next winter.” In order to get winter shoes in the new year the same as on the store shelf, you need not only to wash them, but also to provide proper care.

Useful tips for storing shoes

  • We wash our shoes very carefully. We wash the stones from the protector and welts. We use a soft sponge and a hard brush for the sole. If the shoes are made of suede, then we clean them with a double-sided brush - with bristles and velvet.
  • Dry your shoes thoroughly inside and out, do not place them near a radiator! To dry your shoes inside, use special insoles.
  • Leather and leatherette. Rub your shoes with cream. The leather on leatherette shoes is, of course, rougher than on natural ones, but the principle is the same. It cracks and dries without cream. Leave the cream to absorb.
    Life hack: how to properly store shoes so that they are like new after winter

  • Treat the surface with a moisture spray.The closet can also be quite humid, causing the leather to become too cold or overheated, and suede will absorb moisture and may leave stains.
    Life hack seasonal shoe storage useful tips

  • Availability of locks on shoes. Grease them with oil. The lock may be difficult to unfasten after “preservation”, this way you will prevent deformation of the lock on the shoe.
    Lubricate the lock on the shoes with oil

  • Insert newspapers or spacers inside the shoes. This point is mandatory, as even hard boots can lose their shape. If the boots are long, it is better to take a large box so as not to bend the boot in half.
    Newspapers crumpled inside shoes

Now all that remains is to put the shoes in the box. Next year she will be as good as new.
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