3 attachments to expand the functionality of the multimeter

Even the cheapest multimeter has a fairly large set for measuring various quantities. In addition, you can assemble several simple attachments to provide the measuring device with new functions that even expensive models do not have.

Accurate thermometer

This attachment will turn multimeter into a high-precision thermometer, with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees Celsius. Naturally, the thermocouple included in the kit does not have such accuracy.

You will need the following details:

Diagram of the thermometer attachment:

The LM35DZ chip has an extremely simple connection. The set-top box is powered by 9 V.

The device is assembled on a breadboard. The pins from the old connector are immediately soldered into it.

We connect the power from a Krona battery. Multimeter set to measure DC current “200 mV”.

Using a variable resistor, we perform calibration against a reference device.

If you heat the microcircuit with your hands, the readings will appear on the display.

High Frequency Signal Detector

From multimeter you can make a very useful RF signal detector.

You will need the following details:

HF detector attachment circuit diagram

We assemble the console. The antenna is a copper wire 5 cm long. The circuit does not require additional power.

Using such an attachment, you can check the functionality of the car alarm key fob.

The operation of the local oscillator and transmitter.

Signal from Wi-Fi router.

Test to check the performance and parameters of zener diodes

Using this attachment it is very easy to check the performance of diodes and zener diodes. Determine voltage drops and stabilization voltage.


Schematic of zener diode tester attachment

The attachment consists of a high-frequency converter. The coil consists of 20 turns on both windings. If the generator does not start, change the contacts of one of the windings.

The assembled device looks like this:

Power comes from a AA battery.

We install an unfamiliar zener diode and see the stabilization voltage on the display.

Let's check the other one.

All attachments work great and are easy to use even for beginner radio amateurs.

Watch the video

How to determine where zero and phase are using multimeter - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8242-kak-opredelit-gde-nol-i-faza-pri-pomoschi-multimetra.html

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