How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Do you think it’s not realistic to make a full-fledged metal detector in 5 minutes? Now your ideas will be destroyed.

Surely almost everyone has Chinese at home multimeter, not necessarily the same as in the photo, any similar one will do. So, on the basis of it we will make this simple device for detecting metals.

Will need

  • Multimeter -
  • Enameled wire 0.3 mm.
  • Plastic pipe.
  • Scotch.

How to quickly convert a multimeter into a metal detector

All you need to do is use the metal detector's search coil. To do this, take a 0.3 mm wire.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

We drive 2 nails into the board and wind 150 turns on them.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Next, remove the winding and fix it with pieces of wire.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes
How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

We connect the Chinese probes multimeter to the coil, having previously cleaned the contacts from the enamel.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Multimeter set to diode test mode. That's all, the metal detector is ready.

To check, bring a metal object and the tester readings will immediately change.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes
How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Why does it work?

Multimeter in diode testing mode, it supplies alternating current to the probes, since it initially does not know the polarity of the connected diode.This alternating signal produces a resonance in the coil and reads its value. As soon as metal appears in the coil, it changes its inductance, which is what the tester reads.

This device has one drawback: it operates in pulse mode, and therefore it is necessary to constantly move the object in order to detect it. Since if the metal remains in the coil but does not move, the tester produces “0” or low values.

Let's improve our device

Let's add a search rod to our metal detector for ease of use. Take a plastic water pipe and bend it slightly from the bottom.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Let's cut out a gap and a hole for the coil.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Secure tightly with thread.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Let's make a connection to the multimeter.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Secure the tester with tape.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Let's connect with noise.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

Now you can use it.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes
How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

If you get used to it, the search goes well, even for metals buried in the ground.

How to make a metal detector from a multimeter in 5 minutes

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Comments (8)
  1. Vitaly
    #1 Vitaly Guests 10 November 2020 15:06
    What is the distance between nails?
    1. German
      #2 German Guests 11 November 2020 23:41
      Any distance.Only the sensitivity of this useless thing will depend on the diameter of the coil.
  2. German
    #3 German Guests 10 November 2020 23:51
    Multimeter in diode testing mode, it supplies alternating current to the probes, since it initially does not know the polarity of the connected diode. This alternating signal produces a resonance in the coil and reads its value
    This is not true. There is constant voltage on the probes of the device. The device changes readings as a result of the occurrence of self-induction EMF at the coil terminals when a metal object appears near the coil. This may not work with non-ferrous metals.
    1. Well
      #4 Well Guests 11 November 2020 10:51
      I feel like a specialist))) How can you measure the induced emf with direct current??? No way! Therefore, there is alternating current on the probes!!!
      1. German
        #5 German Guests 11 November 2020 23:37
        Alternating current is not at the probes of the device, but at the coil terminals. Moreover, when approaching a metal object there will be one polarity, and when moving away it will be the opposite. A multimeter it simply records these changes. You don't even have to put it multimeter In the dialing mode, just turn on the voltage measurement mode at the minimum limit.
      2. Guest Vladimir
        #6 Guest Vladimir Guests 13 November 2020 23:14
        A current (constant) flows through the coil. A magnetic field arises in the coil. When a ferromagnet crosses a field, a counter-EMF occurs. As a result, the current in the circuit changes. This is what the device records.
        1. Gennady
          #7 Gennady Guests November 26, 2020 10:22
          for a metal detector it is better to use an inductance meter
  3. Yura Smirnov
    #8 Yura Smirnov Guests 28 July 2021 18:13
    and not a metal detector shows even on plastic it reacts