Stained glass picture with a bouquet of flowers

Nowadays, painting on glass with stained glass paints is very popular. After all, thanks to the use of special paints and special contours, you can get a very impressive pattern on glass, which at first glance is quite difficult to distinguish from real stained glass. Making a bright stained glass picture will be extremely interesting for both children and adults.

To create an original painting you will need:
- stained glass paints. If the paints are in tubes, then they can be squeezed directly onto the glass without using a brush. They are ideal for children's creativity. If the paints are in jars, then they will have to be applied with a brush;
- bronze contour for glass;
- alcohol wipes (you can use window cleaner instead);
- pencil;
- glass;
- round brush (synthetic or protein works well);
- a sheet of A4 paper for a preliminary drawing;
- a sheet of paper, plywood and a frame.

stained glass paints

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work:
1. Place the sheet vertically and draw a bouquet of summer flowers on it.Try not to make the drawing too detailed;

make a drawing

2. Place the glass on a sheet of paper with a pattern so that their edges match. Wipe the glass with alcohol wipes to degrease its surface;

degrease the surface

3. Slowly and very carefully trace the pencil lines. Leave the glass to dry for a couple of hours;

Outline slowly

4. Color the flowers first. Wait for the paint to dry before proceeding with further work;

color the flowers

5. Paint over the stems and leaves, and then paint the background using yellow and green paint;

color the background of the picture

6. Leave the painting to dry for several hours;

stained glass picture with a bouquet of flowers

7. Insert the glass into the frame, then place a sheet of white paper, and then the plywood.

stained glass picture with a bouquet of flowers

The stained glass picture with a bright bouquet of flowers is completely ready. If desired, you can not only hang it on the wall, but also remove it from the frame to use it as a stained glass window. For example, it will look very impressive if you insert it into a window frame.
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