Stained glass on the mirror

Mirror - This is perhaps the only item that everyone has, regardless of style, lifestyle and room size. Making a mirror an accent element of your decor is not that difficult, you just need a little patience and perseverance. I think you have seen magnificent stained glass windows, impressive with their beauty and inimitability. They are made by labor-intensive joining of pieces of multi-colored glass. We will deal with pseudo-stained glass - imitation of stained glass by drawing an outline and pouring transparent paint into it. Artists often create entire paintings in the style of pseudo-stained glass, filling the outline with opaque acrylic for working on glass.
For stained glass you will need an outline, stained glass paints, brushes, and acrylic varnish.

Paint brushes

They are sold in art stores or office supply stores. Nowadays there are a large number of materials for pseudo-stained glass windows of domestic and imported production on sale.
The sketch must be developed in advance and applied to the mirror already thought out, trying to minimize the auxiliary lines. Before applying the design, degrease the mirror with medical alcohol. This is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the surface.The drawing can be applied to the glass with a marker, which can be easily washed off with alcohol in case of incorrectly applied lines. It is important to take into account that the trace of a marker that has fallen under the outline can no longer be washed off and it will be visible in the mirror surface, which will give the stained glass window an untidy appearance. It is better to draw the outline next to the drawing. Due to the fact that there are now a huge number of contours of various colors on sale, you can draw a magnificent masterpiece using only them.

draw an outline

Before pouring paint, the contour must dry for several hours. Only after it has dried can you carefully wipe away traces of the marker with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

draw an outline

The dried outline is easily edited with a blade, small errors and unnecessary lines are removed.

draw an outline

Stained glass paints are very liquid and ready to use. If you want to make a more transparent layer and a delicate pattern, you can add a special solvent to the paint. But you need to take into account that the more diluted the paint, the less stable the layer. Brushes for applying paint should be made of natural hair: squirrel, kolinsky, pony and not lose lint during work. We pick up the prepared paint with a brush and carefully transfer it drop by drop into the cells between the contour. All contour lines must be connected to avoid mixing of paints.

Paint over

It is very convenient to work with a medical syringe; its needle can get into even the sharpest corners of the drawing. It is important to remember that the second layer is unacceptable - the composition of the paint is such that when applied to the first layer, the subsequent one reacts with it and its smooth surface is deformed and deteriorated.
After final drying, the entire drawing should be opened with finishing acrylic varnish.The varnish retains color and protects the design from dust, exposure to sunlight and dampness. Artists coat their canvases with a similar varnish to better preserve them in their original form.

Stained glass on the mirror

Stained glass on the mirror

But such a handsome man lives on the mirrored door of the wardrobe. It is made of opaque acrylic paints.
Maintenance of a mirror with stained glass is insignificant. Wipe with a dry cloth and wash with soap and water a couple of times a year. It is better not to use aerosol glass cleaners; their ingredients may affect the color.

Stained glass on the mirror
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