Dog toy bag

Our little girls love to be like adults. And for this they simply need an accessory such as a handbag. And so that it is not boring, I will tell you how to make it in the form of a soft toy - a poodle. It will not only be a place where you can put some items, but with it your child will not be bored waiting for his mother and will have his favorite things at hand.
To make a toy bag in the shape of a dog we will need:
- Fleece or any fabric for a bag;
- Fabric for lining;
- A little fur to create an image;
- A little bit of any filler (sintepon or holofiber);
- Button for the nose;
- Two eyes;
- Glue;
- Threads, needle, sewing machine;
- Lightning snake.

For making a bag

1. Cut the dog pattern along the lines, as in the photo. This is done so that there are seams on all parts that need to be filled with holofiber.

Cut the dog pattern

2. Lay out the patterns on the main fabric, secure them with safety pins for convenience.

lay out the pattern

3. Cut along the contour, leaving a 0.5 cm seam allowance.

Cut along the contour

4. Baste the ears face to face or pin them in place. Also attach the frontal part to the dog's muzzle.

Baste your ears with your face

5. Machine stitch.Place thin paper so that the knitwear does not move and is easy to sew.

Sew on a machine

6. Pin the legs to the body. Place the pieces right sides to each other.

pin the legs

7. Sew the parts on a machine. You can use backing paper. There is no need to remove the needles. The main thing is to pin them perpendicular to the intended seam. Then the machine will sew smoothly, and they will fit between the lines.

Sew the parts on the machine

8. Place the top parts of the dog together and stitch on both sides as shown in the photo.

Place the tops together

9. Place the prepared bag handle inside on the stitched sides. It can be made from the same fabric as the dog.

Put it inside

10. Baste the edges to sew on the snake.

Baste the edges

11. Secure the snake with pins.

Secure the snake with pins

12. Topstitch it.


13. Align the lower parts of the dog and stitch to each other.

Align the lower parts of the dog

14. Sweep the dog along all the contours.

Sweep the dog

15. The upper front part of the dog bag is ready. Now all we have to do is fill the legs and face with padding polyester so that it takes on the appearance of a soft toy.

Upper front part

16. Fill the parts with padding polyester. To prevent it from falling out during use and washing, we secure it with threads. For this, we just needed seams on these parts. You can place a small piece of fabric on top of the holes and then sew along the seams.

We fill the parts with padding polyester

17. Now let's start designing the image. After all, we will have a poodle. Therefore, we cut small strips:
- for legs and tail, equal in perimeter to legs and tail;
- one piece for the head, so that it covers the place where the ears are sewn on;
- and two parts for the bottom of the ears.

let's start creating the image

18. We sew the parts for the tail and head on one side.

let's start creating the image

19. Sew the ears to the head. Glue the prepared fur parts onto the dog.

let's start creating the image

20. Now we cut out two parts for the lining.They are the same size as the pieces on the top and bottom of the bag without the head and legs.

two pieces for lining

21. From the inside we sew any seam to the snake.

sew with any seam to the snake

22. Glue on the eyes and nose.

Bag toy dog

23. The dog toy bag is ready! It turned out very cute and my granddaughter enjoys wearing it everywhere.

Bag toy dog

Bag toy dog
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