Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 248

Master classes:

Belt “Grid-Checkerboard”

Today I will tell you how to make such a cute belt. As can be seen from the photo, this belt (or belt) can also act as a tie and bracelet if the diameter of the threads is reduced. But this master class is specifically about the belt, because on

Organizer for scissors

If you have a small piece of rough fabric lying around somewhere, such as a tarpaulin, for example, then why not use it for any piercing or cutting objects. So I decided to make a creative organizer for scissors that doesn’t even

Glasses for a wedding in lilac color with your own

It is always fussy and quite difficult to prepare for a wedding. After all, you always want to do better than others. So that everything goes without a hitch. Nowadays, quite a lot of couples who are going to get married turn to special services for help.

Folder for marriage certificate

A long-awaited and very important event in the life of every couple is, of course, their wedding.Basically, preparation for a wedding lasts several months, so there is time to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to miss anything. The wedding must

How to make a bracelet from pins

When gray cloudy days come, you really want to cheer up, and at least with bright flowers in your decorations! A bright, sun-yellow, multi-colored bracelet - it immediately makes you come to life and smile. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do and

Garden in a pot

Not long ago, a line of decorating indoor plants in the form of a garden in pots appeared. It turns out to be a kind of landscape design in miniature. This idea is exciting and has quite a variety of developments. The works of the masters are truly amazing, because...

Plastic flower decoration

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will tell you how to make a beautiful floral decoration with your own hands, without having artificial flowers and foamiran on hand. It can be placed in any of the rooms, from it you can

How to make slippers from flip flops

Today I want to tell you how to easily and simply make wonderful slippers from ordinary flip-flops. Their advantage is that they do not contain foam rubber, which accumulates microbes, becomes stained when washed and, in fact, is short-lived. That is, slippers are possible

How to decorate a T-shirt with pins and beads

Recently I came up with an idea on how to decorate a T-shirt with beads strung on pins. The advantage of such decoration over, for example, embroidery is that you can easily change the location of the pins, and, therefore, the design. You can draw a flower, and

Toy "Chicken" made from pompoms

All children love toys. But it will be doubly pleasant to play with one that the baby made with his own hands, only occasionally resorting to the help of his parents. Today, crafts made from pompoms are very popular among both experienced needlewomen and

paper dragon

Dragons are found in the mythology of many peoples and are sometimes revered as sacred animals - just remember the Chinese Dragon Festival, in honor of which an annual kite festival is held. Fictional or real, dragons are in the mind

How to sew a simple apron

Parents of children attending municipal kindergartens often receive tasks from teachers: sew or knit clothes for dolls, paint the veranda, make various accessories for role-playing games, mental and physical development.

Headband with flowers made of foamiran

Along the rim, small flowers are located on one half, made of plastic suede without special tools. To work on the decoration, we take the following materials: - headband. - acrylic paints. - scissors. - wire. - plastic suede pink and

Handmade apple pastille

In autumn, apples ripen in home gardens. Some housewives grow semi-wild small fruits, others grow large but sour green fruits. We are faced with the question of how to process this huge amount of apples, which are not always sweet and tasty for

Master class on making a clip “Bouquet of tulips”

To create the decoration “Bouquet of Tulips” you will need the following materials: - a large hair clip. - silver brocade ribbon 25 mm wide. - stamens with large beads on the edge. - white cabochon, 12 mm in diameter. - ribbon

Homemade processed cheese

Processed cheese is now not cheap, and in some popular markets it is terribly expensive. Therefore, lovers of this delicacy have no choice but to prepare it themselves from cottage cheese and a few additional ingredients. By quality

Mini terrarium in a light bulb

The popularity of small, homemade terrariums is increasing. A very useful and cute invention that does not require material investments, effort or special skills. All you need to create a green eco-friendly object is desire, as well as

Royal pears

Autumn time, in addition to the long-awaited coolness, pleases us with a new, rich harvest of fruits, berries, vegetables and fruits. One of which is pear. Its beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate, and the variety of dishes in which it is used is countless.

Basket for children's toys

When there are small children in the house, all the rooms turn into a warehouse for a wide variety of toys. There are so many of them that there is no longer enough space to store them. Therefore, we have to periodically go through toys, throw away broken ones,

Patchwork without a needle - “kinusaiga”: Butterfly

Many people know what patchwork or patchwork sewing is, and they know very well how labor-intensive it is, after all, sewing all the small pieces of fabric together, and even trying to assemble them into a harmonious mosaic and ironing the seams, it’s not so easy. A

Car pillow toy

We very often lately are faced with the problem of choosing a gift, especially for men. Firstly, in order to give something specific and necessary, you need to know the person’s preferences very well. Secondly, sometimes it turns out that

A box for photos and mementos of your baby

Surely every mother has the most pleasant and incredible feelings and memories when she gives birth to a daughter. This moment is always very exciting and you want to literally capture every second. Therefore, they try to photograph or film

Bouquet of flowers made from candies

To please your sweet tooth with your favorite sweets, you can present them in an original way in the form of a beautifully decorated bouquet of flowers, where the sweets will be cleverly disguised in petals made of corrugated paper. This bouquet is quite simple to make

Paper crocodile

This animal is known for being one of the highest class of reptiles. It is even believed that crocodiles are among the closest relatives of extinct dinosaurs. A dangerous and toothy animal will not seem so scary if