Royal pears

Autumn time, in addition to the long-awaited coolness, pleases us with a new, rich harvest of fruits, berries, vegetables and fruits. One of which is pear. Its beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate, and the variety of dishes in which it is used is countless. Exquisite desserts based on it are very popular among housewives. And baked pears in caramel will be an ideal option to please yourself and your household with minimal investment of time, food and effort.
List of ingredients we will need: 4 pears, 100 grams of sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, 5 grams of citric acid, approximately 50 grams of butter, 50 grams of water, raisins.
Royal pears

1. Let's start with pears. For this dessert, it is better to choose large, whole, firm, slightly greenish pears. The Bera variety is ideal. So, in the end result, they will not break.
Royal pears

2. We wash our pears and carefully remove the skin and cut them in half. Next, use a sharp knife to cut out the middle and seeds, making small holes.
Royal pears

3. Mix citric acid with water in a ratio of 5:50 grams. This is approximately one level teaspoon per glass of water. Stir and sprinkle on our peeled pears.This is done to prevent the pears from darkening, and also to dilute the cloyingly sweet taste of caramel. But this procedure can be avoided if you have lemon. In this case, simply strain the lemon juice and sprinkle it on as well. By the way, all this took me a couple of teaspoons of liquid, not the whole glass. It was used for the convenience of diluting proportions.
Royal pears

4. The next step is to mix sugar and vanilla sugar. Vanilla will give our dish a special, delicious aroma.
Royal pears

5. While the oven is heating, transfer the pears to a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Lightly grease it with butter. Next, pour sugar into the holes of the pears, scatter the rest over the mold and pears.
Royal pears

6. Cut the remaining butter into pieces equal to the number of pears. And put it in the middle of the hole on sugar.
Royal pears

7. Place in a preheated oven at 170 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, when the sugar begins to melt and turn into amber caramel, you need to turn the pears over to the other side and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Transfer the prepared pears to a plate, sprinkle raisins on top, and also pour over the remaining caramel.
And as a result, you will treat the most delicate baked pears like a king. Bon appetit.
Royal pears
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Comments (1)
  1. Angelinka
    #1 Angelinka Guests 22 August 2017 23:21
    Delicious dessert. It’s definitely worth making, we had a poor fruit harvest this year, but there were a lot of pears. I've never baked them.You can replace it with apples if you wish, it will also be very tasty.