Homemade kozinaki

From childhood, we all remember the taste of kozinaki, this healthy and simple dessert. You can cook it yourself, adding an original twist to their taste.

To prepare kozinaki you will need:
-Half a glass of quick-cooking oatmeal.
-One glass of peeled sunflower seeds.
-Half a glass of assorted nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds are used in this recipe).
-150 grams of coconut flakes.
-50 grams of dried apricots without seeds.
-100 grams of dark raisins without seeds and stems.
-50 grams of pitted prunes.
-1/2 cup of honey of any kind.
-200 grams of sunflower oil.

For preparing kozinaki

1. Dried apricots, prunes and raisins must first be soaked for one hour in warm water.

soak prunes and raisins

2. Meanwhile, grind the nuts, you can do it manually, or you can use a blender.

chop the nuts

3. Next, mix seeds, chopped nuts, oatmeal, coconut flakes in a bowl and combine evenly into a homogeneous mass.

mix the seeds in a bowl

4. Grind well-washed dried apricots, raisins, and prunes using a blender; it is not advisable to turn them into mush; the pieces should be medium in size.

grind using a blender

5. After this, combine them with a mixture of nuts, seeds and cereals, mix.


6.Then add honey, if it is thick and candied, then rub it evenly with a tablespoon, so that when baking our kozinaki stick together well and equally.

add honey

7. At the very end, pour in sunflower oil, trying to calculate its quantity so that the mixture is like thick sour cream.

pour in sunflower oil

8. Add a little cinnamon if desired.

a little cinnamon

9. After this, place the mixture on a baking sheet covered with oiled baking parchment.

put the mixture on a baking sheet

10. Distribute the mass on a baking sheet 1-2 centimeters thick.

Distributing the mass

11. Dry at a temperature of 120 degrees in the oven for 15 minutes. When the kozinaki have cooled completely, cut them into pieces.

Let's dry it

12. Place on a plate and decorate with berries. Bon appetit!

Homemade kozinaki
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