Paper crocodile

This animal is known for being one of the highest class of reptiles. It is even believed that crocodiles are among the closest relatives of extinct dinosaurs. A dangerous and toothy animal will not seem so scary if you try to make it out of paper.
Paper crocodile

To work you will need white and green sheets of paper, a pencil, scissors, a ruler, a black felt-tip pen, and a glue stick.
Paper crocodile

First, we bend the green paper so that it is divided into 8 equal parts (this can be achieved by gradually making folds in half).
Paper crocodile

We cut it along the intended folds.
Paper crocodile

Six of the eight strips obtained need to be bent in half.
Paper crocodile

Let's cut these strips.
Paper crocodile

One of the short strips must be cut lengthwise.
Paper crocodile

Now let's start assembling our crocodile. His body will consist of 10 short wide stripes. We take one of them and apply a little glue to the edge.
Paper crocodile

We connect the strip into a ring and then insert the next green strip.
Paper crocodile

We continue this way until all ten strips are used. The crocodile's body is ready.
Paper crocodile

Take a long, wide strip and insert it into the outer ring.
Paper crocodile

Glue the ends of this long strip together.
Paper crocodile

Let's make a cut diagonally. This will be the crocodile's tail.
Paper crocodile

We insert another long strip from the other end.
Paper crocodile

Now take the remaining short wide strip and cut it lengthwise.
Paper crocodile

From one half we will make the eyes of a crocodile. To do this, bend it in half and cut it into a semicircle from the edge.
Paper crocodile

Use glue to secure the eyes.
Paper crocodile

Let's adjust the crocodile's mouth a little. We will cut the upper part along the edges and fold it at the bottom.
Paper crocodile

We will also make small folds on the front of the upper and lower jaw of the crocodile.
Paper crocodile

From the remaining two narrow and short strips we will form the paws of the animal. Let's bend them lengthwise.
Paper crocodile

After this, we will make folds so that the letter “P” is formed.
Paper crocodile

Using a glue stick, attach the paws to the lower part of the crocodile's body.
Paper crocodile

Cut a strip 1.5 cm wide from white paper.
Paper crocodile

Cut out two circles from its edge. These will be the animal's eyes.
Paper crocodile

Let's glue them.
Paper crocodile

On the remaining part of the white strip, draw teeth with a black felt-tip pen.
Paper crocodile

Let's insert this strip into the crocodile's mouth and secure it with glue.
Paper crocodile

All that remains is to complete the details - take a black felt-tip pen and draw on the pupils and claws of the animal.
Paper crocodile

Our paper crocodile is ready.
Paper crocodile
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