Paper elephant

Ask any child: “Which animal has big ears and a long nose?” Every kid will tell you that this is an elephant. It would seem where such fame comes from for an animal that can only be seen alive in the circus. Perhaps the answer must be sought in its enormous size and good nature. Therefore, many kids love elephants very much and dream of being given a soft elephant. Children who love to make things crafts, will be happy to accept your idea of ​​creating a paper elephant. The process of making this animal using technology origami shown in our master class.
Paper elephant

To create an elephant we will prepare:
  • - a sheet of pink paper;
  • - ruler;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - black felt-tip pen;
  • - glue stick;
  • - pink felt-tip pen;
  • - scissors.

Making an elephant from paper

Paper elephant

Our elephant will be made from two square sheets of paper. To create the body, we will need a square with a side of 12 cm, and to make the head of our animal, we will take a pink square with a side of 7.5 cm.
Paper elephant

Let's start by creating the elephant's head. To do this, fold a small square diagonally.
Paper elephant

Now let's unfold this square, and bend its sides towards the middle. We should get a rhombus like this.
Paper elephant

The upper corners of the bent triangles must be bent to the sides. This is how we form the ears of our paper elephant.
Paper elephant

We bend the top corner down. This is how we outlined the outlines of our animal’s head.
Paper elephant

On the reverse side we see the resulting blank - the head of an elephant.
Paper elephant

Now let's start making the elephant's body. To do this, take a large square and fold it in half.
Paper elephant

Let's unfold it and fold the sides towards the middle (1.5 cm on each side). This is how we outline the outlines of our animal’s legs.
Paper elephant

Fold the workpiece in half again.
Paper elephant

We bend one of the corners of the upper edge (where the fold is) in the form of a small triangle.
Paper elephant

Now you need to make a fold inward at this place.
Paper elephant

It's time to use the glue. With its help we connect two parts - the head and body of the elephant.
Paper elephant

So our craft is almost ready.
Paper elephant

Take a black felt-tip pen and draw eyes.
Paper elephant

Now, using a pink felt-tip pen, we will make a couple of strokes that will imitate the folds on the trunk. Our paper elephant is ready.
Paper elephant
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