Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 109

Master classes:

How to make a bending machine from bearings

Using a couple of large bearings and some scrap metal, you can make a compact manual bending machine for bending thin tubes, strips, round timber and rebar at an angle or making radius fillets. The proposed design is simple in

How to make a cheap concrete mixer from a barrel

For small-scale construction, there is no point in buying a concrete mixer, since it is only needed for one time and for preparing only a couple of cubes of concrete. For such purposes, you can do it yourself, spending almost 10 times less than the cost of the most

How to harden and sharpen a hoe to a razor tip and forget about further sharpening

If the cutting tool is made of bad steel, then ordinary hardening in water will not save it. To correct its softness and increase wear resistance, it can be cyanidated before hardening using yellow blood salt, also known as

How to make a mounting gun from a piece of PVC pipe

To seal cracks in walls, interpanel and inter-tile seams, it is convenient to use a refillable sealant gun. It allows you to squeeze out a solution, glue or sealant in place, which minimizes the consumption of materials, speeds up and makes work easier.

How to make a powerful bending machine for rebar

When working with reinforcement when pouring a foundation or reinforced belt, it has to be bent at different angles. If you use only a hammer and anvil, the preparatory process before pouring concrete will take days. Speed ​​up multiple times

How to adjust the blades of a hair clipper to cut the smallest hairs without twitching

After sharpening, the clipper blades need to be adjusted before tightening the screws. Otherwise, the hair will be cut with gaps or plucked.

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

From any tree or bush you like, you can form a seedling with roots that will have a high survival rate. In this way you can very quickly and without much effort prepare material for an entire garden from one varietal

We extend the electric motor shaft without machines and welding

If necessary, it is possible to extend the electric motor shaft with a threaded rod. This method will help even if the shaft does not extend beyond the bearing at all. It is necessary to drill a hole in the motor shaft for the stud. To do this exactly without

Bent bar connection at right angles

When making furniture, you may need to bend the slats or bars at 90 degrees. The outer radius of such a connection is rounded, and most importantly, it does not have an open sawn end, so it looks very neat. To obtain such a bend

How to make a universal bottle cutter and where to put this tape to good use

To make heat-shrinkable PET tape, you need a bottle cutter. Such a tool can be made on the basis of a steel angle, and it will allow you to obtain tapes of different widths.

The secret of the crunch of lightly salted cucumbers, step-by-step recipe

City housewives have more than once encountered the difficulty of finding greens for pickling in order to please their family with the taste and crunch of lightly salted cucumbers. And really, where can I get cherry, currant and raspberry leaves? The enterprising ones came to the rescue

Assembling a 500 W amplifier using transistors for surface mounting

Every radio amateur must assemble an audio power amplifier at least once in his life. In this example, just such a sample with a power of 500 W is presented. This model is assembled quickly, literally in 1 hour. Amplifier class - AB, analogue

Great use of a washing machine engine: a powerful engraving machine

The motor from the washing machine is high-speed and powerful, so it is ideal for driving the engraver. Without a good engraving machine, you can make it yourself. Moreover, a homemade engraver will be no worse than expensive branded ones, both in terms of

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

To decorate your area, you can make a palm tree from brown and green plastic bottles. This is not at all difficult and quite interesting, besides, the bottles will be put to good use and not thrown into a landfill.

How to firmly fit a hammer onto a handle without a wedge

What do a sledgehammer, an ax and a hammer have in common? Operating principle. They need a swing to strike. That’s why a handle is needed, and the heavier the tool, the longer it is, as a rule. While swinging at the metal part of the instrument

7 useful crafts made from a plastic bucket

A plastic bucket can be used as a housing for various homemade equipment to make life easier. Many people use it as a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner, but the bucket can also be used for more unusual projects.

100% protection of the garden from birds

Having a cherry tree, vineyard or strawberry plantation on your plot, you have to fight starlings every year who raid the garden. They peck at the berries, destroying much more than they can eat. A scarecrow is used to scare them away

Let's make a jack from a PET bottle, which will become an indispensable assistant in everyday life.

If you need to lift furniture or heavy household appliances alone to place a stand or place carpet under it, you can use a very simple jack. It will allow you to lift the weight without straining your back at all.

How to make a dog harness with your own hands

A dog harness is a must for every dog ​​owner. At least for owners of large and sledding breeds. The advantages of this device, unlike a collar, are very, very obvious.Firstly, a harness allows you to more humanely restrain your pet.

How to make a portable stove for a cauldron from wheel rims

For outdoor cooking in a cauldron, you can make a portable stove from old rims. This is much easier than making brickwork, and besides, such a stove can be hidden when not needed or taken with you on a picnic.

Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Every season it is necessary to treat potatoes with poisons 3 times, or even more often, to combat the Colorado potato beetle. Naturally, this does not make it any more useful. In order not to use poisons, you need to spray potatoes with natural safe

How to start a lawn mower if the starter is broken

If the starter of the brush cutter is broken, but you urgently need to mow the grass in the area, then you can use a little trick. The proposed method will also help to quickly start the engine of the lawn mower after a long period of inactivity, when it is poured into the carburetor

How to clean a well yourself using “Baby”

To increase the flow rate of a well and the quality of water, it is necessary to periodically clean it. To do this, you need to hire specialists, or solve the problem yourself by lowering yourself into the well on cables with a bucket. You can also make various devices,

Make this machine and forget about stupid drills forever

To quickly and correctly sharpen drills, you can assemble a simple machine that allows you to edit them at the correct angle. A homemade mini machine takes up virtually no space in the workshop. When storing it, it can be placed even in a box