We extend the electric motor shaft without machines and welding

If necessary, it is possible to extend the electric motor shaft with a threaded rod. This method will help even if the shaft does not extend beyond the bearing at all.


  • threaded rod is 5-10 mm thinner than the shaft diameter;
  • nail or wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm;
  • nut for stud;
  • epoxy glue or thread locker.

Shaft extension process

It is necessary to drill a hole in the motor shaft for the stud. To do this smoothly without a lathe, you need to reverse the polarity of the power supply to the motor to make it rotate in the opposite direction. After this, holding a thin drill in a holder or clamp and starting the engine, you need to drill a hole at least 30 mm deep in the center of the shaft. If it is not the drill that rotates, but the shaft, then there will be virtually no distortion during drilling.

Next, you need to widen the hole with large drills to the diameter required for cutting threads for the stud. After drilling, you can put the power wires back. Then, having blocked the shaft, it is necessary to cut the internal thread.

The pin is screwed into the shaft until it stops. After this, you need to unscrew it 1 turn and mark the drilling mark.The pin is unscrewed back and drilled with a drill with a diameter of 1-3 mm, which depends on its thickness.

It is necessary to make a transverse cut on the shaft itself in the center. Its width should be equal to the hole in the stud.

The pin is then screwed back in. You can apply thread locker or epoxy glue to it.

You need to place a hole in it opposite the cut, and stop it with a piece of wire or a nail.

The stopper will prevent the pin from unscrewing back. To prevent it from falling out, it must be clamped with a nut, preferably also placed on a thread lock.

After this, the pin is cut to the required length and used to install the required equipment.

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