Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 108

Master classes:

How to make a powerful juicer and solve the problem with a bunch of apples

To squeeze juice out of large quantities of apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots or grapes, you need a press. They can process hundreds of kilograms of fruit in a matter of hours. For greater results, you need to load crushed fruits into it. Let's consider

Quick production of a crown of any size for drilling a wall

To drill a large hole, you need a crown, whether purchased or homemade. Naturally, homemade is preferable, since it costs practically nothing. If the store is far away, then doing it yourself is the most convenient solution.

There will be no more blossom end rot in tomatoes if you water them with this product.

When there is a lack of calcium in the soil, blossom end rot appears on tomatoes. Vegetables affected by this disease are thrown away, so the lion's share of the harvest simply does not reach the table. To prevent and treat blossom end rot and late blight, you can water

Welding plastic pipes without a soldering iron

Not everyone has a soldering iron for welding plastic pipes, and it is not practical to rent or buy one for several connections. In this case, you can get by with a regular gas burner, which costs less, and is often simply

Unusual bevel gear for transmitting torque

To transmit torque at an angle of 90 degrees, you can use a very unusual gearbox. This is an easy-to-manufacture mechanism that is interesting to watch in operation, and it may well find real application in various

An incredibly simple way to remove pigment spots on the skin

With age, especially with diseases of the liver, gallbladder or intestines, pigment spots may appear on the skin. If you undergo examination in time and improve your health, they will go away, but not as quickly as we would like. You can remove stains by

100% sure way to get a seedling of any tree

To get a seedling of the fruit tree you like, you don’t need to grow a rootstock from a seed and know how to graft. There is a simpler way that allows you to form a seedling with almost one hundred percent survival rate.

A tourist hatchet made from a rail without a forge, forging or other complications

For fishing and picnics, you can make an ax-hammer from a rail. If it is equipped with a handle made of an aluminum profile pipe, then it will also be possible to store various small things in it, such as fishing line with hooks, a tripod for a pot, matches or even a small

A one-time treatment using this method will get rid of ants forever

Ants in moderate numbers on a site are beneficial, but when there are a lot of anthills, the insects noticeably eat up the young roots of garden crops, spoil fruits and berries, and most importantly breed aphids on trees. You can get rid of them

Tricky cherry picker from PET bottles in 5 minutes

Cherry berries located on the upper branches are extremely difficult to get. If the tree is young and does not have a thick trunk, then you cannot climb it, and there are not always enough stairs. To collect berries from hard-to-reach places, you can make a simple

How to preserve garlic 100% for the whole year, advice from an experienced housewife

At the first sign that the garlic crop has begun to deteriorate during storage, it should be frozen without delay. If it has already begun to dry out or germinate, then changing the storage conditions will not give anything, there is no point in trying. Right

How to make a light boat from PVC pipes in one evening

A homemade boat is significantly cheaper than a high-quality purchased one, and it is also often stronger and more durable. It can be made from almost anything, from wood to aluminum sheets. All these methods are not so simple and require

I don’t buy cucumbers in winter anymore! Super way to freeze cucumbers

Cucumbers sold in winter are many times worse than summer cucumbers, both in taste and chemical composition. It is better to eat them to a minimum, or better not to buy them at all. An alternative to greenhouse pesticide cucumbers is frozen summer cucumbers.

The most powerful blower made from PVC pipes and an old vacuum cleaner

Most old vacuum cleaners are sent for recycling due to depressurization of the housing, wear of hoses and filters, while their engine still remains fully functional. It is not very powerful, so there are really good ways to

Useful homemade product from a socket head

If you need to drill just a few holes in metal or wood, there is no point in buying a set of drill bits that will then lie around idle. For this task, it is more profitable to make a crown of the required diameter from an old socket head.

Aphids fear this product like fire, we save trees without chemicals

When aphids appear in the garden, you need to get rid of them immediately. If you leave the trees as they are, you can forget about a good harvest, since aphids destroy all growth points of young leaves and shoots. To combat this pest you can use

A very simple drilling machine made from the most affordable materials

To quickly and accurately drill workpieces, you need a drilling machine. This is quite expensive equipment, the purchase of which is usually unprofitable. For the average user, a more suitable solution would be to make a guide stand for

Quick crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. 2 hours and done

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs are a spicy and very tasty quick-cooking appetizer that can be served in just a few hours. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag marinate faster, remain very juicy, crispy, with

5 quick, useful homemade crafts from junk

Sometimes, to do something well, it is enough to have a simple device that takes no more than 5 minutes to make. Let's look at 5 such homemade products.

How to make a powerful 12V vacuum cleaner from plastic bottles

The engine from a broken cordless power tool can be used to make a mini vacuum cleaner, which is useful for cleaning the interior of a car. It is very light, easy to clean, and will also help out when collecting scattered small items.

How to make a screen and bracket for a projector

Buying a projector to watch movies and photos is only half the battle. The projector also requires such things as a screen and a tripod, which together cost almost more than the projector itself. If we cannot make a projector ourselves (I have

Shish kebab marinated on onions: softness and juiciness guaranteed

Have you gathered for a barbecue, prepared a barbecue, prepared coals or firewood, collected meat and stocked up on spices? Then it remains to properly marinate the portioned pieces, softening the transverse meat fibers, so that the kebab is as tender and

How to connect a lighter to a gas burner when there is no cylinder

If a situation arises when a gas burner is needed urgently, but there is no gas cylinder, you can connect a regular disposable lighter to it. This method does not damage the burner itself, so in the future it will be possible to connect standard cylinders to it.

After a year of storage, garlic is like fresh, the best way to preserve the harvest

Often harvested garlic spoils before the next harvest.It turns out that no matter how much you plant it, the reserves rot, mold or dry out, so by the beginning of summer or even earlier you have to buy garlic in the store. So that he doesn't