Quick crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. 2 hours and done

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs are a spicy and very tasty quick-cooking appetizer that can be served in just a few hours. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag pickle faster, remain very juicy, crispy, with a bright and rich green color. Cucumbers should be salted in special bags designed for storing food products. If you don’t have such a bag at hand, you can use food containers and trays, enamel containers with lids. This dish is an ideal complement to fish and meat appetizers, side dishes of vegetables and grilled meat.


To quickly prepare lightly salted cucumbers, you will need the following ingredients:

  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 500 g;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • dried garlic - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp.


1. First, you need to thoroughly wash the cucumbers, trim the ends of the vegetables and dry them with paper towels. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices.

2. Coarsely chop blackcurrant or raspberry leaves. Finely chop a small bunch of washed dill.Instead of dill, you can use rosemary, fennel, and cilantro.

3. Place the cucumber slices into a food bag. Add chopped dill, salt, currant leaves and dried garlic to the cucumbers. Instead of dried spices, you can add chopped fresh garlic.

4. Tie the bag tightly and shake the cucumbers with spices and herbs thoroughly so that the appetizer is thoroughly salted. Place the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator for several hours. Every half hour, you need to shake the bag so that all the cucumber pieces are saturated with salt, aromas of herbs and spices.

5. After just two hours, the delicious lightly salted cucumbers are ready! The taste of the appetizer is identical to those cucumbers that are pickled in a marinade for a day or two. This is an ideal pickle for the unexpected arrival of guests, dinner or a holiday table.

6. Bon appetit!


  • Yield: 500 grams.
  • Calorie content: 16.17 kcal/100 grams, BJU - 0.86/0.10/3.05.
  • Cooking time: 2 hours + 10 minutes.
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