Snowflake-lantern and star - New Year's decorations

On the eve of the New Year, people spend a lot of money on Christmas tree decorations and interior decorations. But you can completely refuse to buy them, since decorations and toys are easy to make with your own hands. Moreover, children will help you with joy, just give them an idea.
To do this you will need colored paper, PVA glue, scissors, a little perseverance, accuracy, patience and, of course, creative activity. I suggest making a snowflake-lantern and a star together with your child.

Snowflake lantern

Take 5 sheets of colored paper and make them square. Then fold them diagonally, connecting the top left corner to the bottom right corner. It turns out to be a triangle. Bend again. Now, starting from the fold, make 5 cuts with scissors, but do not cut the leaf completely. When everything is ready, you need to unfold the sheet and glue the strips, one at a time. Here you should be careful not to glue two strips side by side.

Snowflake-lantern and star - New Year's decorations

When everything is glued on one side, turn the sheet over and glue the remaining strips on the other side. It turns out to be a small flashlight.

Proceed in the same way with the remaining sheets.

When all the lanterns are ready, connect them into a large snowflake. The lanterns should have the tops and the right and left ends glued together. Glue the loop. The snowflake lantern is ready.


You will need 5 sheets of colored paper. Each leaf must be made in style origami "Ship."

Then glue their “noses” together to make a star. Add a loop and the decoration is complete.

The star has a small peculiarity. It can be made in larger sizes if the components are added in the second, third or fourth row.

Create with your children, thereby contributing to the development of their thinking and motor skills. Plus, you won't have to spend money on Christmas decorations. You will be able to buy present your child on them. But it's best to do it yourself.
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