Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 106

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Potatoes come out on their own: a simple potato digger for a walk-behind tractor that is easy to repeat

If, when using a regular potato digger, weed roots and tops remains collect on it, causing the walk-behind tractor to be stopped periodically for cleaning, you can convert it into two stands, and the problem will completely go away. With modernized

Autumn Garden: Top 7 Vibrant Flowers That Bloom in September

Summer is coming to an end and the bright colors of decorative plantings in the gardens are gradually beginning to fade. However, this does not mean that autumn cannot surprise with the same variety of color combinations as in the spring or summer seasons. Many flowers

How to cast high-quality aluminum blanks for a grinder

In order not to buy expensive aluminum blanks for turning, they can be cast at home from unnecessary scrap. To do this, you need to make a box for the sand mold and a model of the blank.

How to make a very cool knife handle from plastic waste

HDPE plastic is an excellent raw material for recycling at home.It melts easily, practically does not smoke, and after cooling it acquires the necessary rigidity and density. All this allows it to be used for manufacturing

How to use bottles to purify cloudy water until crystal clear

Those who like to travel far from civilization would do well to make a solar water filter. With its help, you can obtain clean drinking water from a puddle or from the sea.

8 signs that will help you choose a sugar watermelon with almost 100% probability

To buy a ripe and very sweet watermelon, you should use several proven tips when choosing it. The more requirements it meets, the tastier and more sugary it will be.

You will forget about flies if you make this flytrap from a PET bottle in 5 minutes

If there are a lot of flies in the room where animals are kept, their number can be significantly reduced by placing homemade flytraps. You can make one such trap in 1-2 minutes, and it can work almost forever.

How to make a free concrete vibrator from a car shock absorber

When pouring concrete structures, you can use a homemade deep vibrator, converted from an old car shock absorber, to compact the solution. It works no worse than a purchased tool, and it costs nothing, minus a couple

After this home cleaning, your spoons and forks will shine like new.

It is extremely difficult to remove brown deposits and indelible dirt on the handles of cutlery. Regular detergent is useless in this regard. You can restore the cleanliness and shine of forks and spoons by boiling them in a solution of soda and salt.

How to make young trees bear fruit

If young fruit trees still do not begin to bear fruit, then it is necessary to do some simple pruning of the branches. After it, the next year the garden will bloom and produce the first fruits. This method will also help stimulate an adult tree if it

How to quickly make a vibrator for concrete from trash

When pouring a foundation or piles, it is important that the concrete flows into all cavities, so it needs to be leveled. For this purpose, a deep vibrator is used. For small volumes of work, purchasing such a tool is not practical. It's best to do it yourself.

The chef shows how chicken is cut in the best restaurants

To make a chicken dish tasty and beautiful, you need not only to use an excellent recipe, but also to properly cut the carcass into neat pieces. If you have a sharp knife, this is not at all difficult.

Barren flowers on cucumbers: 6 main reasons and how to deal with them

Barren flowers on cucumbers are one of the common reasons that can affect the amount of harvest. The plant forms buds, however, after the ovary withers, there are no cucumbers. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to use simple methods

How to make an amazing electromagnetic accelerator

To visualize the operation of an electromagnetic mass accelerator, you can assemble a looped track for rolling a steel ball endlessly in a circle, with 4 electromagnetic coils serving as pushers. Operating principle of the track

We make eternal anticorrosive for the arches and bottom

In order to once and for all protect the bottom and arches of the car from corrosion, it is necessary to treat them with a mixture of gun fat and polymer-bitumen mastic. This composition is easy to apply, holds securely, does not chip or wash off.

How to assemble a simple 40 kV high voltage converter using one transistor

To get a high voltage converter from a low 3.7 V power supply, all you need is one transistor, one resistor and a roll of thin enameled wire. This is a very simple, inexpensive and easy to assemble circuit,

Three reasons for the decline in zucchini yields

Among professional and amateur vegetable growers, zucchini, like zucchini, is considered one of the most unpretentious pumpkin crops. When properly caring for a squash plantation, a stable harvest of juicy greens is guaranteed. And choosing

How to easily check and detect air leaks on a car

When the rubber seals, especially the air filter pipe, wear out, air may be sucked into the engine. As a result, a lean fuel mixture enters the cylinders. As a result, the car loses its driving dynamics, the engine runs

How to easily make delicious homemade kvass

Who doesn’t like to quench their thirst with delicious kvass in the summer heat? But it is not always at hand when you want it.Therefore, the best solution would be to make kvass at home yourself. And today’s recipe will tell you how it’s done.

Hidden, extremely useful features of WhatsApp that not everyone knows about

Millions of people communicate every day and most often use various applications in the form of instant messengers for these purposes. One such application is WhatsApp. And, despite the fact that many users have been using it for a long time

How to choose the perfect watermelon with 100% probability, advice from an agronomist who knows his business

When buying, you want to select the sweetest and most ripe watermelon possible, which is not always possible. Popular tips for determining ripeness often contradict each other, or only work on certain varieties. Let's consider why

Homemade chicken sausage and ham

Housewives living far from cities prepare homemade sausage often and in large quantities. But for those who have lived in large cities since childhood, this process often seems something incomprehensible. First of all, because of two main questions: where

How to make a fruit crusher driven by an angle grinder

To grind fruit into puree for squeezing juice on a press, you can assemble a simple crusher driven by a grinder. To make it, you don’t need welding, a lathe or other complex equipment; an angle grinder and a drill are enough.

How to cheaply concrete a garage entrance

Precipitation, drainage and groundwater, wheel slipping gradually lower the ground level in front of the garage and a noticeable difference is created with the floor level. It becomes difficult to enter and exit, especially when there is a corner or channel across it - an element of the power