Homemade chicken sausage and ham

Housewives living far from cities prepare homemade sausage often and in large quantities. But for those who have lived in large cities since childhood, this process often seems something incomprehensible. First of all, because of two main questions: where to get guts and what to do with them? You may not believe it, but at any market in the meat department you can buy already cleaned and salted intestines, which you can simply rinse. But what minced meat you use is up to you. We suggest trying chicken fillet and spicy pork ham.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • intestines - 1.5-2 m;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated garlic - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • pepper - 1 tsp;
  • cucumber pickle - 180 ml.

Chicken sausage recipe

1. Wash all the chicken fillet, remove excess fat and films present on the surface, then cut half of the meat into small and preferably identical cubes.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

2. Cut the second half of the fillet into relatively large pieces, which we immediately transfer to a special container for a blender.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

3. Grind the meat into homogeneous minced meat and combine it with cubes in a large deep bowl.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

4.At the next stage, add coarse salt, garlic granules, ground hot pepper and fine sugar.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

5. Mix our aromatic meat well so that the spices are evenly distributed, and then pour a glass of cucumber brine into a bowl (depending on the degree of its salinity, be sure to control the amount of salt that you add separately so as not to spoil the finished dish).
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

6. Knead the minced meat again, then cover it with film and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, immerse the prepared intestines in warm water for 15 minutes (to clear them of salt).
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

7. At this time, take out the infused minced meat, into which we pour the ham, pre-cut into neat cubes.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

8. Now we wash the intestines under running water, string them onto a nozzle installed on a meat grinder, and fill the casing with chicken filling, tying the resulting sausages with a thick fire-resistant thread.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

9. Having completed the process, heat a sufficient amount of water in a large saucepan and, when it begins to boil, carefully lower our home-style chicken sausages inside.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

10. We wait 3-4 minutes, and then immediately transfer them to a flat plate.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham

11. That’s it, homemade sausage with chicken and ham is ready for the last stage - frying on a wire rack in the oven or in a frying pan on the stove. What the final culinary chord will be is up to you to decide.
Homemade chicken sausage and ham
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