
Master classes:

A simple but clever way that will allow you to wipe dust less often

Dust appears every day, every hour, no matter how much you wipe it. But there is a unique remedy that allows less dust to settle. Using this method, you won't have to clean it every day.

Subscriber splitter - what you need to know

The TAP subscriber splitter is an installation element used to create branches from one TV trunk to several consumers, while maintaining a pass-through signal. With its help, the television signal from the main cable is divided between

Homemade cottage cheese

Curd cheese is famous for its creamy-smooth, silky texture. It is indispensable in the confectionery business, but also for snack rolls and sandwiches - it is a real find. It can be easily turned into cheese cheese, into Philadelphia.

Very simple lightly salted forest mushrooms

This recipe is interesting because of its very simple, quick and easy preparation method and its high taste. Any tubular (edible) mushrooms are suitable for pickling. It is advisable to choose small or medium-sized raw materials, without flaws,

Homemade soft cheese

They say that if you use low-fat products for this recipe, you will get real dietary cheese. Have not tried. But I didn’t strictly follow the recommendations either. For example, if the list of products from the original source stipulates that milk and kefir should be with

Quick potatoes in the microwave

Everyone knows that there are a huge number of recipes for potato dishes. There are not hundreds, but thousands! But every cook is in a hurry to acquire at least a couple of proven, reliable recipes that can help out in various situations.

Dry method of pickling cucumbers

Everyone in our country loves cucumbers. They are salted, pickled, made into salads and snacks. The variety of options is so great that your eyes can run wide! But the most delicious and desirable recipe is the recipe for dry pickling of cucumbers in a bag. Incredibly juicy and

How to salt lard using the dry method

Modern nutritionists have long recognized lard as a healthy product. Well, at least salted lard contains nothing but lard. But the composition of sausages from the store can cause not only questions, but also digestive upset. Therefore it's better

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, quick and easy

More recently, cucumbers in a bag have gained great popularity in cooking. This amazing snack is a real hit during the summer. There is nothing better than serving golden brown potatoes with crispy cucumbers. No one can resist the aroma and

Mayonnaise without eggs

If for some reason you exclude store-bought mayonnaise, eggs from your diet, or avoid eating raw eggs, pay attention to our step-by-step recipe with photos.Using a blender-chopper with a knife attachment, prepare mayonnaise without eggs in

Smoked chicken drumstick: recipe with photo

The rosy smoked drumsticks look appetizing even in the photo. They can be easily bought at any hypermarket, but pay attention to the composition. There are a huge number of additives that are undesirable for consumption. Doctors are constantly on all screens

Simple dandelion jam

A recipe proven over the years, without lyrical reasoning. Dandelion jam is good served with hot pancakes. In hot summer weather, jam diluted in water perfectly quenches thirst. Very rich in vitamins and microelements.

How to make lemon liqueur

The famous Italian liqueur “Limoncello” has long become popular all over the world. The history of its origin is quite confusing, covered in myths and legends. According to one version, it was prepared by fishermen from the southern part of Italy. In the early morning hours they drank it,

Mackerel on the grill

Mackerel baked on the grill can be a quick improvisation when there is very little time left before unexpected guests arrive. The fish is marinated for an hour and baked almost instantly: it only takes 20 minutes for the sides of the carcass to become

Baked lard

It cannot be that there is a person who does not like lard. Most likely, he has not yet been able to taste the delicious baked lard prepared according to the old Slavic recipe. This dish is enjoyed as a snack at the holiday table,

Delicious lard in onion skins

Salted lard is considered by many modern nutritionists to be a healthy product if consumed in moderation.Many people buy a steamed product and salt it themselves. Sometimes it happens that the lard is either too thin and has a hard skin or piece

How to cook an omelet in a mug

This is just an amazingly quick and amazingly delicious breakfast. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare. It turns out that eating right isn't that hard. And instead of dry food, like a sandwich, you can almost instantly prepare this delicious

Making mayonnaise is very easy

Like any industrial product, a sauce called mayonnaise originated at home. Let it initially quickly separate into its constituent products, and therefore not be stored for long. Today, if you have an immersion blender with turbo mode and twenty

Cold smoke generator for cold smoking

I want to tell you how to make a very simple smoke generator for cold, home smoking. The design of the generator will not require much effort or time from you. I love smoked products, and if you choose between hot and cold smoking, then

Sausage in a mug

Sausage is very popular and loved by many. Some people can't imagine breakfast without a sausage sandwich. The stores now have a huge selection of sausages for every taste: from boiled to raw-cured, and for every budget. But it's no secret

Smoke fish at home

Smoke fish at home and you will no longer want to buy such a product in the store. If you use the advice in this article, the result will be the most delicate fish, imbued with the aroma of natural woody smoke. Such

Quick recipe for marinated champignons

Marinated mushrooms are a universal appetizer for strong strong drinks. In addition, the delicacy goes perfectly with both pasta and boiled potatoes. There are many recipes for pickling mushrooms, but this recipe is good

Homemade pita chips

Chips are the most popular and beloved beer snack. Unfortunately, store-bought chips are a very harmful product; they contain food additives that are saturated with heavy carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol, and therefore very often cause heartburn.

Spiced cranberry marmalade

Bright, mega-healthy and very tasty marmalade, created on the basis of cranberries, aromatic spices and agar-agar. This delicacy can be given even to small children. This sweetness is a good substitute for store-bought sweets that contain artificial